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Chupa Chupa

macrumors G5
Original poster
Jul 16, 2002
Reuters is reporting that an iPad compatible version of Hulu is coming, but only if you subscribe. How much? No one knows. Seems Failish to me. How much money to these companies thing we have to blow on monthly subs? It should be free if you subscribe to cable/sat. After all we are already indirectly paying for access to the networks. Why should we pay twice?

Article on Engadget
Reuters is reporting that an iPad compatible version of Hulu is coming, but only if you subscribe. How much? No one knows. Seems Failish to me. How much money to these companies thing we have to blow on monthly subs? It should be free if you subscribe to cable/sat. After all we are already indirectly paying for access to the networks. Why should we pay twice?

Article on Engadget

Either my reading comprehension sucks or yours does. To me the following quote means only the OLDER episodes will cost a subscription but you will still be able to watch the newer content for free.

As we had heard, the subscription service would apparently only be for older episodes of TV shows and other content -- you'd still be able to watch new episodes of shows for free -- and it sounds like it will apply to Hulu as a whole, not just those aforementioned devices.
I wouldn't mind paying a small fee if it's worth it, I'm thinking 2.99-4.99 ish
I'm with the guy above... If we could have access to ALL the Hulu content desktop users have, I would actually pay up to $10 a month, but nothing more.
Looking forward to it if the price is reasonable. This is yet another application to test the viability of the new AT&T data plans. . .
Look - I don't like paying additional fees the same as anyone else. But the reality is - these companies need to make money. And if you're going to get the convenience of watching where and when you want - then consider the payment a convenience fee.

Or go online with your computer and be slightly more inconvenienced for free.

But people who complain about app prices, etc like this are showing a level of entitlement beyond what is logical in the business world.

No one cares if we already spent $xx on a device. That doesn't entitle anyone to freebies now or for the life of the device.
I'm with the guy above... If we could have access to ALL the Hulu content desktop users have, I would actually pay up to $10 a month, but nothing more.

I wish I could find the link, but I read something last week that indicated a $10 a month pricepoint. Of course that could be dead wrong, but it is an indicator of some point.
Looking forward to it if the price is reasonable. This is yet another application to test the viability of the new AT&T data plans. . .

That 2GB bandwidth cap is likely going to be an issue for anyone wanting to watch quite a bit of video while traveling and without access to WiFi. at&t is looking at some additional incremental revenue stream, and some irate customers.
I would pay because I would "need" to use it at some inconvenient moment and I seem to just be completely whoring myself out to services in general.

  • $22.90 in TiVo service fees (2 TiVos)
  • $60.00 in iPhone data fees (2 iPhones)
  • $30.00 in iPad data fees
  • $14.99 in Netflix fees (2 CD package)
  • $50.00 in Comcast Cable Internet fees
  • $70.00 in Comcast Cable TV fees (Digital Plus package)
  • $17.99 in Vonage VOIP fees (basic 100 minutes out package)
  • $10.00 gym membership for which I never go
  • $44.99 home monitoring charge

That's over $320 a month doesn't include my the random iTunes downloads of music, movies, or apps. I'm indoctrinated. Might as well add another $5.00 a month to me for Hulu. Hahaha.
The rumor a few months ago was that Hulu was going to offer a premium service for $9.99. It was said to still have commercials, but contain a with a full back catalog in addition to just the most recent 5 that are offered today. The premium service would also be required for specialty device access (like the iPad or XBox). But it's just a rumor at this point...
Because in theory you pay an additional fee to watch a version with fewer ads on your iPad.

I'm fine w/ the ads as they are on Hulu. Keep it like it is. But I'm wondering if the ads will go away.

Either my reading comprehension sucks or yours does. To me the following quote means only the OLDER episodes will cost a subscription but you will still be able to watch the newer content for free.

It's your reading comprehension b/c I didn't mention a thing about what content was going under a pay wall. You just inferred it.

Hulu's a great service - I think there are better targets for this sort of axe grinding, like the overpriced newspaper subs..

I'd rather pay $10-15 for original content in a newspaper or magazine than $10 for reruns I'm already paying ABC, NBC, CBS, and FOX for with my DirectTV bill.
IMO Hulu can add double the amount of ads and I'll be fine. Currently I'm unemployed so I wouldn't prefer to pay even $5/month. Yet again, they mentioned new episodes will be free and I'm mostly watching those only unless trying a new show (since when did hulu really have that many episodes anyways? The only show I know is "Life" which has 2 full seasons on Hulu).
I would rather just watch the ads, I'm not subscribing to hulu just for TV shows. The subscription should be free with our cable bill.
I'm fine w/ the ads as they are on Hulu. Keep it like it is. But I'm wondering if the ads will go away.

It's your reading comprehension b/c I didn't mention a thing about what content was going under a pay wall. You just inferred it.

I'd rather pay $10-15 for original content in a newspaper or magazine than $10 for reruns I'm already paying ABC, NBC, CBS, and FOX for with my DirectTV bill.

Tell me where I can watch the pilot of Modern Family (for example) free with my cable subscription? Or episode 16 of Glee (fell completely behind due to the LOST conflict and then working every Tuesday night since)? That's what this is for. Having only the last five episodes does nothing for me when I want to watch shows in sequential order.
I might consider this if there is CC support but if not, useless for me otherwise as I'd miss out on the dialog in shows/movies.
Tell me where I can watch the pilot of Modern Family (for example) free with my cable subscription? Or episode 16 of Glee (fell completely behind due to the LOST conflict and then working every Tuesday night since)? That's what this is for. Having only the last five episodes does nothing for me when I want to watch shows in sequential order.

Actually that is coming in the near future.
Hulu is awesome but they just upgraded their ads to show more in short periods of time and each ad now is 30-60 seconds sometimes longer.. So basically they are getting very close to t.v. Breaks.
Reuters is reporting that an iPad compatible version of Hulu is coming, but only if you subscribe. How much? No one knows. Seems Failish to me. How much money to these companies thing we have to blow on monthly subs? It should be free if you subscribe to cable/sat. After all we are already indirectly paying for access to the networks. Why should we pay twice?

Article on Engadget

Umm, with all due respect why would you get Hulu free if you're subscribed to cable/sat? It's not the same company, it's not an affiliate, it's a seperate entity entirely so would see no money whatsoever from your subscirption. What you're talking about is an on-demand service that would be supplied by your cable provider rather than Hulu.

As for Hulu charging, this was always going to happen and it seems that they're going about it in a sensible way with only charging for older shows. That archive has a substantial value for some people and if you can subscribe on a monthly basis (i.e. start and stop as you like) it becomes a VERY nice alternative / addition to a normal subscription.
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