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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 11, 2020
Hey, I'm a scientist (biotech/medical science) working on developing mental health tools in a VR/deep-tech neuroscience company. We just made and released an app designed to treat anxiety, which works by (a) conditioning your vagus nerve and (b) setting up a biofeedback connection to your vagus that you can consciously trigger.

There's more detail on how it works here

We started working on this 4 months ago, the software was in testing (mostly with me) for around a month now, and we just released on the App Store yesterday.

I think it's been working for me, my average 1-minute heart rate recovery went from 23.667 to 43 after around a month (p 0.04), although I was not really thinking about getting comparable data so it's not great data. And I am an N of 1, I would love to see if other people notice any changes with this app. In how they relax, in mindfulness, in post-training recovery.

If this kind of thing is interesting to you, I have put a bunch of codes in the Code Sharing forum. If you try this out for a few minutes a day for around a month, do you notice any changes in your relaxation abilities?

And any other feedback is also welcome!


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