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Original poster
Jul 9, 2000
i only dabble in the graphics end of computers, but my wife has macromedia freehand, adobe illustrator, pagemaker, photoshop, and i have microsoft front page 2000

what do you find best for beginners? pro users?
Illustrator and Photoshop are of course indespensible. InDesign is basically replacing quark lately.

As far as web development; I find frontpage to be useless... I was a longtime handcoder; but dreamweaver is just too smooth of an application to ignore.

Im a dreamweaver lover; but with all code I find it necessary to edit by hand - passing variables and any serious code requires a code only view.

Many larger clients; HP, Comaq and so on actually hire people to go through and read each line of code to ensure that it meets their standards. I bang out the html in design view then build the php in code view.

Its like butta :)

Originally posted by D0ct0rteeth

As far as web development; I find frontpage to be useless...

i have only met one person who likes it ;)

i just bought it because the college gave a course on it
photoshop, illustrator, golive and flash

but lightwave is my main app - all the others I use more as utilities to lightwave. :D Which doesn't mean I'm ignoring them - I have to really master each to use them effectively (still working on being better with all of them).

indesign -> piece of crap (sorry but even though quark ain't os x native yet, i still like it and it still has the cooler name!)
i like photoshop the most, for web development dreamweaver is also cool ;)
Originally posted by jefhatfield
i have only met one person who likes it ;)

i just bought it because the college gave a course on it

Its fine as an entry level app - like .mac's homepage; but it writes the worst code ever... i'm just bustin your chops jef :)

I coudn't tell you the number of times I had a consultant give me a frontpage file that I had to completely redo because of the 87 font, layer and table tags :)

Good times, baby

i don't think anyone could even think of topping photoshop and illustrator. i love adobe's programs. there so thorough and easy to use. and for web design its dreamweaver all the way. i don't think macromedia's programs are quite as easy to use as adobe but they are definitely just as thorough
Totally InDesign for layouts. I don't know what's the deal with Über. It is a gorgeous program and it does everything I always wanted Quark to do. I am now Adobe across the board and I'm very happy about it.
Originally posted by shakespeare
Totally InDesign for layouts. I don't know what's the deal with Über. It is a gorgeous program and it does everything I always wanted Quark to do. I am now Adobe across the board and I'm very happy about it.
i love adobe
i did go indesign for a couple of weeks and i hated it.
Originally posted by D0ct0rteeth
Why do you stay with quark? What does it do that inDesign can't?

InDesign sucks. Adobe makes great products but InDesign ain't one of them :rolleyes:
I just wanna stay with Quark and if you have a problem with that...
Originally posted by shakespeare
Cooler? Most of its features are hidden several levels deep in the menu hierarchy!

Or wait.... is this sarcasm?
so? one of the most underrated programs ever is ImageReady because nobody knows that it comes with photoshop :rolleyes:
Originally posted by übergeek
InDesign sucks. Adobe makes great products but InDesign ain't one of them :rolleyes:
I just wanna stay with Quark and if you have a problem with that...

I don't own stock in adobe man, I was just asking. My preference comes from just my prior experiences and frustration with quarks "lack of features"

I was looking for a reason or two to give quark another look as I haven't used it since InDesign went OSX, and lately the printers i use have embraced InDesign and erased any advantage Quark once had.

Its cool man... I'm not insulting your preference, but stating mine (osx, rapid updates, and photoshop/illustrator integration) and asking for a reason to give quark another look.

Have a good night.

I will use practically anything but PageMaker.

I've been using Adobe GoLive, LiveMotion, Photoshop, and Illustrator at home lately, along with the occasional use of the Corel Graphics Suite 10 since Illustrator doesn't do multiple page documents. I don't have a desktop publishing application at this time. Quark XPress works okay although it should be named Quirk XPress instead. I hope that they get the new version done before I take the class at school. I don't want to deal with Mac OS 9 again. :D

If I could afford Studio MX, I would, but the more I use DreamWeaver, the more I appreciate GoLive. The only difference is that MM supports ColdFusion and that's huge right now.
I've been hooked on Freehand for a few years now. Macromedia went south with it when v.10 came out...shouldn't have changed it as much as they did after v.9.

I use Photoshop a lot. I'm not intensely skilled in it, but can do what I need with decent results.

Prefer InDesign over Quark, not just for OS X's sake, but it's more compatible with Adobe's other software.

I also use iVieMedia Pro for setting up image galleries.

Otherwise...I dabble with Dreamweaver & Fireworks some.
My prefs:
Print: Adobe Photoshop 7
Adobe Illustrator 10
InDesign 2.0.1

Web: Adobe Photoshop 7
Adobe Image ready
Dreamweaver MX
Flash MX
Fireworks MX

Multi-media: Drector MX
Photoshop 7
Flash MX
Peak LE3.10
Lightwave 7.2b
Swift 3D

If you get that you will be set for a while.
p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal
font-family:"Times New Roman";
mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";}
p.Names, li.Names, div.Names
font-family:"Times New Roman";
mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman";}
@page Section1
{size:8.5in 11.0in;
margin:1.0in 1.25in 1.0in 1.25in;
<body lang=EN-US style='tab-interval:.5in'>
<div class=Section1>
<h1 align=center style='text-align:center'>Welcome to!</h1>
<p class=MsoNormal><![if !supportEmptyParas]>_<![endif]><o></o></p>
<p class=MsoNormal>This is an example of what should be a <i>simple</i>
web page, generated by <b>Microsoft Word</b>. Word tends to create very
bloated HTML code when it generates a web page.</p>
<p class=MsoNormal><![if !supportEmptyParas]>_<![endif]><o></o></p>
<p class=MsoNormal>This document will end up as a large and
complex web page.</p>
<p class=MsoNormal><![if !supportEmptyParas]>_<![endif]><o></o></p>
I prefer . . .

Illustrator to Freehand

I need to spend more time with InDesign before I can definitively say which i prefer. However, I was having a seriously hard time making a simple PDF in Quark 5 today. A font would not download. I opened the document (as Quark 4) within InDesign, fixed two line breaks and exported as PDFs. I am planning to do a big project in InDesign to really get a feel for the program but I am just so fast in Quark, I haven't had the extra time to spend learning the program.


Dreamweaver over GoLive, mostly because of the large amount of Dreamweaver Extensions but GoLive handles tables better.



FireWorks over ImageReady

Hope this helps.

- David

I use Photoshop (there is no equal), illustrator, Golive, Flash.

I used to use Quark, then got into InDesign. Now can't go back to Quark. Quark is dying. I loved it for a long time but I just cant stand for the (old) constant updates (3.31, 3.32, 4.0, then back to 3.32) with no real feature changes and the lack of the update to OSX (yes, I know it's in the works). I don't hate Quark, and I see no need to take sides, because for a very good long time Quark was king. Slowly the torch is being passed. Adobe does an amazing job of intergration. Sure, InDesign 1.0 has some MAJOR flaws, the fixed most of them in 2.0. Now it's a good layout program.

I was taught in my design classes that it's not what programs you use to get the job done, but rather that the final product that comes from the job grabs attention and provokes thought.
Originally posted by übergeek
i love adobe
i did go indesign for a couple of weeks and i hated it.

Uber, you're out of your mind.
QuarkXpress is an ice-age app with an outdated interface and crippled functionality. Change and serving better their customers also is not their religion.

You're on crack, Uber :) InDesign is a modern app. Works excellent.
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