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macrumors regular
Original poster
Sep 20, 2015
hi So when I go to type a letter in the sense of repeating it like the e in keen I get a prompt that says whether I want to add an umlaut or any other accent to the letter I typed that was repeating; I dont want to do that and I simply want to type the letter
That's normal behavior if you hold the key down. Is this happening just during normal typing, or only if you hold down the key?
Maybe the Option key is stuck?

What language are you using?

What do you see if you enable Keyboard Viewer (System Preferences -> Keyboard -> Input Sources -> Show Input menu in Menu Bar, and also check the box under Keyboard -> Keyboard -> Show keyboard and emoji viewers in menu bar)?
Ohhhhhhh, I gotcha now....

Instead of holding "h" to type "Ohhhhh", I have to press it repeatedly, right? Same with typing "aaaaaaaaa" -- I have to press it repeatedly. Holding the "a" key gives me this (see screenshot):

This is an adaptation of the iOS way to type accented characters.

I'm trying to find a way to disable it, but (a) I can't think of a good reason, because how many "a"s does anyone need in a row, and (b) it's nice to have the accented characters easily available.


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    Screen Shot 2017-02-05 at 4.04.11 PM.png
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I think it can be disabled with a Terminal command, but I've not tested it (and don't wish to change this feature):

defaults write -g ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false
hi Hm even though you dont wish to do so could it be that you hate terminal itself By the way how does Terminal not resemble MS Dos
Terminal resembles MS DOS, in that they both use text (and not a graphics UI), but other than that, no resemblance at all.
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hi Hm even though you dont wish to do so could it be that you hate terminal itself By the way how does Terminal not resemble MS Dos
Terminal's great. You just have to know what you're doing or else you'll bork your computer.

And as bcave098 said, it's not MS DOS.
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