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moneyStrands is perfect for keeping track of my finances. Syncs up to the website, which is linked to my First Direct bank accounts. Balances & transactions are automatically synced to my moneyStrands account, where I can view/categorise/tag all my transactions, setup budgets, and view spending over periods of time. i.e. how much am I spending on iTunes Apps each month?! :) lol (answer: too much)

My other, perhaps lesser known favourite is Manage Your Football Club, a football (soccer) management sim for the iP. I'm totally hooked on this, it's superb.
iSaveWeb - Great for downloading webpages completely as they appear in Safari. The book marklet makes it easy to save to the app.

Instapaper Pro - Read articles offline. Tilt scrolling and night themes nice additions.

Bodybook Fitness Journal - Exercise logbook and graphs. Customizable for bodyweight enthusiasts like me, and not a database or extra screens of exercises I don't need.

Wisdom English-Japanese Dictionary - the absolute best J-E dic for foreigners out there. Makes teaching English a whole lot easier at times.

Oxford Deluxe - The entire unabridged single volumes Oxford dictionary and thesaurus all in an app with a great interface. Great for teaching English to advanced students and finding the definitions for words I come across in a few of the more difficult reads I'm trying to get through.

ZeusDraw - the best paint app I've tried yet (I tried a few a few months ago).

TapExpense - simple and efficient money manager. It doesn't have support for multiple accounts however.

JotNot - take photos of papers and have them formatted for the iPhone screen. Not perfect with 3G camera, but it usually does the job.

Listomni - great for lists of groceries, movies I want to see, and checklists.

Easy Wake Up Pro - alarm clock that detects the best time to wake you up based on sleep cycles. Also fades in tunes from your iPod library.

World Map - Google map app that caches maps and has pins for marking spots. Drill down to saved maps annoying, but far better than the other Atlases I've tried.
my new gem

I found alarmap after reading of it on this forum.

Now it's my must have during my daily jobs travels.
I take it for free because it was just launched, but now i see price is growing...
If you have not played Phoenix Wright on DS pick it up now on iOS! It is a steal at $5, same full game as was on DS. It is my favorite game series hands down and it is cool to see it branch out to other mobile devices.

As for non-games I love Sleep Cycle alarm clock. It seems to be pretty well selling lately so its not that hidden anymore
only just found out that thers an evil version of doodle god called doodle devil, quite a fun wee game.
- Awesome Note: I was reluctant to purchase this app at first, especially since I was using Momento for my daily diary, but Momento was missing some crucial updates that the developers promised many months ago but have been unresponsive to. So I switched to Awesome Note and loooveeee it. The interface is clean, and I like messing with all of the backgrounds/fonts/colors. It might not be very useful if you just want to jot down quick notes (especially since you have to learn what all of the buttons and settings do) but it's great if you like organizing things.

- Genius Scan: This is app scans paper, and it does it really well. I've only used it a handful of times when a friend has needed some notes or an assignment from a book, and it works really well. My friend even asked me what scanner I used to scan it because the image came out to clear. And it's a free app!

-Cartoon Wars: I saw that the new Cartoon Wars 2 was popular in the app store, so I decided to look for the first one, and I played it and have really enjoyed it. It's sort of like a tug-of-war game where you build units, upgrade them, and have them battle your enemies units to see who beats who.

-AirPhones: This app lets your transmit any sound that would be coming out of your Mac's speakers to your iPhone if they're on the same network. I love this app, because now I can have my iPhone plugged into my Bose SoundDock and have the sound from a movie playing on my MacBook be transmitted to the speakers. Since I'm on campus and the Wifi works differently here, I've had to use an adhoc connection, but it still works pretty well if both devices are close to each other.
[app]Heads Up: Hold'em[/app] - great for practicing Texas Hold'em as a solitaire player, or playing on the same device against a friend, or over the air with one player. What I like is the speed at which it can be played, would like to see the option to play against more than just one friend.
Chomp : A great social-esque app that allows you to rate and find new applications based on your tastes and ratings.

Frogato - This is an awesome platformer game for iOS and Mac. Free for the Mac and a dollar for iOS. It's very Mario / Kirby esque. Totally addicting and worth the price. Not very well known. I plan on reviewing it here soon.

WriteRoom - Same as the Mac app. Full screen, no distractions, totally great to write in.

PlainText - Much like WriteRoom but free and has dropbox support.

A Check List - Formerly known as Nlist, I love this app mostly because I can create a checklist super easily.

GetGlue - A social app that let's you post topics about anything, rate movies, tv shows, music, books, etc. Helps you discover new stuff as well. You earn stickers that you can later have printed off and sent to you. I am addicted to Get Glue.

Rooms - Rooms is an IRC client for iOS - I absolutely love Rooms, it's one of the best ones out there.

Cruelty-Free - an app for those of you who want to live a more cruelty free lifestyle.

Causes - Causes is an app for - they cover everything from social rights, animal rights, autism, criminal justice and other activisms and issues. Definitely a good app if you would like to stay current for things you're passionate about.
if you are into Westerns (Spaghetti or not), real-time shooting and you want to use your iphone as a revolver....
....the FREE game:



My advice is don't start. You won't be able to put it down.
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