Chomp : A great social-esque app that allows you to rate and find new applications based on your tastes and ratings.
Frogato - This is an awesome platformer game for iOS and Mac. Free for the Mac and a dollar for iOS. It's very Mario / Kirby esque. Totally addicting and worth the price. Not very well known. I plan on reviewing it here soon.
WriteRoom - Same as the Mac app. Full screen, no distractions, totally great to write in.
PlainText - Much like WriteRoom but free and has dropbox support.
A Check List - Formerly known as Nlist, I love this app mostly because I can create a checklist super easily.
GetGlue - A social app that let's you post topics about anything, rate movies, tv shows, music, books, etc. Helps you discover new stuff as well. You earn stickers that you can later have printed off and sent to you. I am addicted to Get Glue.
Rooms - Rooms is an IRC client for iOS - I absolutely love Rooms, it's one of the best ones out there.
Cruelty-Free - an app for those of you who want to live a more cruelty free lifestyle.
Causes - Causes is an app for - they cover everything from social rights, animal rights, autism, criminal justice and other activisms and issues. Definitely a good app if you would like to stay current for things you're passionate about.