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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 12, 2004
Does anyone know how to maybe password protect images in iPhoto, or say, hide them.
I got some photos i'd like to have iPhoto organise, but dont want them to be visible to everyone.

I tried the library managers for iPhoto (iPhotoBuddy n all of them) but they dont do it.

i currently have photos in SplashPhoto as i also have em on my clie, n SplashPhoto allows u to hide photos marked as private, n then just set the security to on, n they wont be visible.

Does anyone know how to do something like that in iPhoto or know of an app that makes it do that?
Does anyone know how to do something like that in iPhoto or know of an app that makes it do that?

Well I guess the idea of the iApps in general is to share

So I guess a hiding feature defeats the object of the program :D

I think i'll need to find another program or something :confused:
i don't think there's a way to do this natively in iPhoto...

but you can do a very crude workaround.

download iPhoto Library Manager and create a separate library for pics you want to hide. then don't put the iPhoto on the dock. most people will not bother looking for the iPhoto Library Manager if it's not on the dock, will they?

only when you want to look at the pics in the separate library, you can launch the Library Manager..?
Create a new account

Create a new account. This can have all your porn. Don't call the account porn, call it work or testuser or something. Panther makes it easy to toggle accounts.
Horrortaxi said:
Make a sparsimage for your porn. You can even call it "porn" if you like. It won't matter since it's encrypted.

Wass a sparsimage? Looks like an encrypted "Briefcase" or disk image type of file?

I am trying to get in the habit of scanning important documents (like I'm just going through an insane amount of injections for grad school immunization requirements, so I wanna keep all the documentation!!!) and using iPhoto to manage them. I guess I'm not super worried about their security, since no one else uses my iBook (and when I leave it in my school office I'll lock it down and use FUS to lock it out).

But anyway, a protected album would be a nicety....
Oh, and who'd be such a cad that they'd go through the trouble of using iPhoto to manage their porn collection? That's sooo anal. :) Oops, might have multiple meanings in this context. Never mind. :eek:
mkrishnan said:
Oh, and who'd be such a cad that they'd go through the trouble of using iPhoto to manage their porn collection?
Well, sometimes there's a fine line between 'porn' and 'holiday snaps'. I've been looking for a way to do this for a long while...
anyone know of an app that does this

all i need is the ability to hide photos with a password.

I got some photos that i dont want to have lying around when people say hey, lets see them photos of that last party, n out pops up some embarrassing photos of me n my misses.

i find it ridiculous how the iApps were made to share, but they never thought of protecting some files or images. i mean not everyone wants to share everything!!

i guess i will have to stick with splashphoto for now, since all my pics r currently taken on my clie.
brap said:
Well, sometimes there's a fine line between 'porn' and 'holiday snaps'.

HAHAHA!!! This thread is great! True entertainment! :) Some awesome quotes going on here~~~
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