Well, it seems we are on to something - I could
replicate the bug between 2 high sierra macs with latest OS, sharing the same network through SMB.
Trouble occur in the finder window, when I copy a file from the local mac to the network-mac. What's happening is exactly as you describe - in Finder, the copied file looks normal after the copying process, just a second later it looses its icon, sometimes turns into a semitransparent white icon and when I check the file information, it doesn't show the full file-size but e.g. half of it.
the file in Path Finder (a Finder alternative) everything
is fine. The icon, the file attributes, all can be treated just as usual. So it seems this is a
High Sierra Finder bug and hope this gets ironed out with the next update.
You can actually access the file, if you
duplicate the file in the Finder Window of the network-Mac by pressing +D. Instantly the file-icon turns normal. Just trash the duplicate afterwards.
Documentation by Apple:
In macOS Sierra 10.12 and earlier, your Mac gathers all metadata for the files in a folder, compares it to the folder's .DS_Store file, and then displays the folder's contents. In macOS High Sierra 10.13, this behavior is changed slightly:
Adjust SMB browsing behavior in macOS High Sierra 10.13
Force the Finder to gather all metadata first ->
matching the file browsing behavior of macOS 10.12 Sierra and earlier. Use this Terminal command:
defaults write com.apple.desktopservices UseBareEnumeration -bool FALSE
Then log out of your macOS account and log back in.
-> I guess this is the key to the behaviour you're experiencing, you could try this command and it should work as with previous OS-releases.