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macrumors member
Original poster
Oct 24, 2013
Hi Guys,

I' just wanted to check with you if it's okay to upgrade to MacOS HighSierra? I know there were some issues in the beginning and there were also security related issues but I'm guessing that they are all resolved by now...

Also if I do upgrade, do you think my Time Machine backing up system will continue to work? I'm asking this as I know that with High Sierra Apple has changed the file system...

can anyone advise me on these two points?



macrumors Penryn
Feb 20, 2009
I disagree with Lou above.
Too many folks have found High Sierra to be "a bag of hurt" (to quote Steve Jobs).

If you want to try it... well, try it.

BUT... I suggest you do this first:
1. Download CarbonCopyCloner. It's free to download and use for 30 days. Get it here:
Carbon Copy Cloner - Download
2. Use CCC to create a bootable clone of your internal drive AS IT IS NOW
3. Download the HS installer but DON'T run it yet.
4. Get a USB flashdrive (8 or 16gb) and use the free Boot Buddy to create a bootable flash drive installer. Get BB here:
Boot Buddy – sqwarq
5. Use BB to create the flash drive
6. Now, boot from the flash drive and run the installer.

Then... see if HS "works for you".
It might. Then again....

... if you have problems, and find yourself wishing you were "back at Low Sierra", having the CCC cloned backup will make it child's play to "get back, get back, get back to where you once belonged".
If you don't have the CCC backup, you can still get back, but it WON'T be "easy"...
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