May I ask 2 simple questions please ( it's gone up! ...well, I am sure it is simple for the gurus
I have set up the simple to-do list, which is working as expected.
(Basically, an NSTextField, an "add" button and a tableview.
Some very basic connections ie tableView has it's datasource in class AppController, which implements the NSTableDataSource Protocol.) But, the puzzle for me is that even though I have implemented **no** delegate methods for tableview, the app will **only** work as expected if the delegate outlet of tableview is connected to the AppController.
I am sure there is an easy explanation, but it has evaded my search so far. The documentation probably has the answer, but it is not there for me to see, so far.
2nd question.
In order to edit each cell of the table-view, I have implemented
and use this to update an array which holds the data. This seems to work. What is not obvious to me is **when** and **what** triggers this method to be called. Any insight will be most welcome.
update: Well, I think I must have had something awry, as I now **can** implement the nstableview and **not** set the delegate outlet of the tableview. Make sense?
Thank you in advance.
I have set up the simple to-do list, which is working as expected.
(Basically, an NSTextField, an "add" button and a tableview.
Some very basic connections ie tableView has it's datasource in class AppController, which implements the NSTableDataSource Protocol.) But, the puzzle for me is that even though I have implemented **no** delegate methods for tableview, the app will **only** work as expected if the delegate outlet of tableview is connected to the AppController.
I am sure there is an easy explanation, but it has evaded my search so far. The documentation probably has the answer, but it is not there for me to see, so far.
2nd question.
In order to edit each cell of the table-view, I have implemented
- (void)tableView:(NSTableView *)aTableView setObjectValue:(id)anObject forTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)aTableColumn row:(NSInteger)rowIndex
update: Well, I think I must have had something awry, as I now **can** implement the nstableview and **not** set the delegate outlet of the tableview. Make sense?
Thank you in advance.