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macrumors 6502
Original poster
May 22, 2016
Leander, TX
Something is replying automatically with “Hold on a sec…” and also ”I’m driving…”. I assume it has something to do with Focus but I can’t find where to customize it (if it is even possible).

Note, I also have an Apple Watch with watchOS 8 — so it might be coming from there but I didn’t see any place to do anything except “Mirror iPhone” — which I think I want.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
May 22, 2016
Leander, TX
This appears to be valid for iOS less than 15. Do Not Disturb has been expanded to Focus in iOS 15. The Driving focus has a way to configure the Auto Reply but no other focuses have that feature, even custom ones.

Curiously, there are web pages that have options on Focus that I guess did not make it into the final release of iOS 15.
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