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Jericho2550 said:
c'mon, be optimistic, at least it'll be heard ;)

but he's right. online petitions are ineffective.

a signed, well written letter to a company is more effective to be honest.
You should write them, since you have strong feelings about this. But also give them a break and try to be more considerate, while stressing your desire for such a notebook and the market value. Where are we, on the timeline, vis-à-vis when Intel Macs were promised? Aren't we way ahead of where Apple even ever promised this hardware? Try to empathize a little, if possible. I think it will make your message more palatable.
PlaceofDis said:
but he's right. online petitions are ineffective.

a signed, well written letter to a company is more effective to be honest.

you're right, a physical petition is more effective, I just don't have the time and resources to get actual signatures.
Just be aware that if they do release a MBP 12incher that it wont be as thin as the current 15 and speculated 17.

The smaller casing leads to thicker and more cramped internals. But I on the other hand can live with only a 4x superdrive, and still have the thinner casing.
sintaxi said:
I for one want a 13.3" widescreen MBP
Agreed. I would much rather see a 13.3" than a 12", but most of all I'd rather Apple do what they think they should do. I'm sure they have reasons for why we have yet to see a smaller MBP.
Online petitions don't work but hey your enthusiasm gains a score :)

I too would prefer a 12" as I travel a lot and take my Mac everywhere with me, but I guess I'd tolerate a 13.3"
Jericho2550 said:
you're right, a physical petition is more effective, I just don't have the time and resources to get actual signatures.

and this is why they actually get a response. because they take time and effort.
mkrishnan said:
You should write them, since you have strong feelings about this. But also give them a break and try to be more considerate, while stressing your desire for such a notebook and the market value. Where are we, on the timeline, vis-à-vis when Intel Macs were promised? Aren't we way ahead of where Apple even ever promised this hardware? Try to empathize a little, if possible. I think it will make your message more palatable.

I was thinking about this attitude towards all Mac products today - all Apple products for that matter - and I think that I disagree with this kind of outlook. To date, Mac products have been announced through these grandiose launch events that Mac dorks live for. But does it make business sense? Sure - it creates anticipation and free press. Does that mean you have to wait for an event every time you want to announe the existence of a product, even at some point down the road? I don't think so. When they launched the MacBook Pros, they should have told us if and when there would be a 12" / 13" / anything smaller than the 15". Why keep people like the poster, and myself, waiting for even an announcement that this product will exist? If I knew that it would only come out in 10 months, or worse, that they would never release something smaller than the 15", then I would order a Macbook pro right now.

Why should we cut Apple any slack. They're ahead of schedule? Whose schedule, that of the consumers, or the one that they arbitrarily announced to give thesmelves plenty of cushion and to keep consumers like myself salvating for more? If I had stormed in to an Apple board meeting and demanded that an Intel mac be relased by 2008, I'd be very pleased at this point, but the mere fact that Apple told me that it MIGHT happen in 2007 and then delivered doesn't do much for my spirits.

I know there are no miracles to be performed - I know that they can't pick products out of thin air to make me happy. But at least tell us that you're working on something else - give consumers the information they need to make the buying decisions that, at the end of the day, translate into more money for Apple.
jrk07 said:
Agreed. I would much rather see a 13.3" than a 12", but most of all I'd rather Apple do what they think they should do. I'm sure they have reasons for why we have yet to see a smaller MBP.
Of course they do. To totally F with Jericho2550.
jessica. said:
Of course they do. To totally F with Jericho2550.
:D That's just silly....Apple loves me, well they should....they better, I've made more people than I can count switch to Apple ;)
i dont think there's ever going to be a 12" MBP......prob the current 12" Powerbook will vanish and be replaced by whatever replaces the 12" ibook
This entire thread is pointless. Do you not think that Apple is aware that people want 12" MacBook Pros? This is going to take some time. An entire company is transitioning their entire line of products to a new architecture. Give it time.
spencecb said:
This entire thread is pointless. Do you not think that Apple is aware that people want 12" MacBook Pros? This is going to take some time. An entire company is transitioning their entire line of products to a new architecture. Give it time.
On a more serious note, the 12" may be harder to do right now like someone said above about cramping of the hardware. With that said, the 12" may not come back. Think about the words "mac book pro". 12" doesn't sound very "pro" you know. 12" sounds like the elite traveler and nothing more.
jessica. said:
On a more serious note, the 12" may be harder to do right now like someone said above about cramping of the hardware. With that said, the 12" may not come back. Think about the words "mac book pro". 12" doesn't sound very "pro" you know. 12" sounds like the elite traveler and nothing more.

There is really not that much difference between the layout/architecture of the Core Dup or the's not like it is impossible to make it into a 12" form will come back, give it time. Lord, it's crazy when people expect such a drastic change to happen over night.
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