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macrumors regular
Original poster
Mar 19, 2007
Just got my first two rolls back from my Holga and these two of my favourite shots. Apologies for some scratchiness on the scans, they need a bit more work but I also think they add to the 'feel' of the Holga. Click them for larger!

All shot on HP5+ (or so I remember)



Think any are worth blowing up to print larger?


Just got my first two rolls back from my Holga and these were my favourite shots. Apologies for some scratchiness on the scans, they need a bit more work but I also think they add to the 'feel' of the Holga. Click them for larger!

Ooh, your files are a bit big (4MB each) – if you could make them smaller jpgs you could attach them to your post (using the
icon) and they would be thumbnails automatically.

Nice shots though, especially the scooters. How did you get the shallow depth of field with your Holga?


macrumors regular
Original poster
Mar 19, 2007
Thanks :) I'll bear the file size in mind next time! And the DoF is just one of the Holga's mysteries I guess! C&C anyone else please?


If you copy and paste the code between the dotted lines into your original post they should all show up as reasonably sized (and you're more likely to get comments if people can see them without clicking, I think). :) It looks like your upload got corrupted somewhere.








Interesting about the shallow depth of field in your Holga, I'll have to have another play with mine!
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