Hey all, can someone shed some light on what I suspect is a bug or maybe I am misunderstanding how widgets work? I have the hollow location arrow appear in the top left corner of my iPhone 11 Pro Max. The only widget I have on any of my screens is the smart widget (on my first screen). I have granted location access to the weather app, and when it asked me if I want to allow it access for up to 15 min for widgets, blah, blah, blah, I selected no. Further, in location services in settings, i have weather to “while using” but the hollowed out arrow is still appearing even when I’m not using the weather app. I know it’s the weather app because I do not have any other app access granted to my location, further if I select “never” for weather in location services, then the hollow arrow suddenly goes away. I switch back to “while using” it comes back. Is the hollow arrow present because of the Smart Stack? I tried to test my theory and I removed the Smart Stack, opened weather, closed weather, and now instead of a hollow arrow I have a filled arrow (even though I fully closed out of weather.) any advice anyone?