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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Apr 18, 2004
Wow, when I read the MR guide to install bootcamp on a MBP (I'm doing it on an iMac), I didn't think when it said "wait an hour for Vista to copy files" that it would actually take that long! It has taken LONGER, and I have over 1GB of RAM!!!!


macrumors regular
May 7, 2006
Vista actually works with Boot Camp???

I was under the impression only XP could be run with Boot Camp. Can anyone verify that Vista will run, too? If so, I may give it a try.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 6, 2006
Fenton, MO
Vista (as a whole) is pretty slow (<-- running on an actual regular de-facto PC).

Vista is overrated IMO, but, enjoy your brief stay anyhow. :)
I'm surprised it runs under Boot Camp; like wmealer said, I thought Boot Camp only supported XP sp2.


macrumors G3
Apr 30, 2004
i installed it on a brand new high (hahaha) end dell with 4Gb RAM, Dual core etc, and it took a good hour to copy over.

Vista's installer is Image based - it copies and expands a flat file to the drive.

Because of the way it works - and the size of the image - it has to create a RAM Drive to handle image extraction. Cue lots of shuffling data in and out of said RAM Drive, even if you've got a few GB of RAM it may not be enough....


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Apr 18, 2004
Wow this is a POS!

You can actually install it two ways - either over XP that is done with boot camp, OR you can instll Vista in the first place when boot camp asks you for XP discs. Check out the guide for it here on MR.

I had to install it for a "value added" feature of my iMac I just sold on Fleabay. This thing is a POS. I keep thinking it is "locked up" when updating. But no, it just takes LITERALLY ALL DAY to install 4MBs of updates.


macrumors 604
Feb 4, 2004
Florida Resident
Relax. Vista was developed for computers in future. Try running Windows 95 on a PC from 1989 and it won't even startup. Vista may install in 5 minutes or less when it ships using current hardware of the time.


macrumors regular
Mar 23, 2006
BornAgainMac said:
Relax. Vista was developed for computers in future. Try running Windows 95 on a PC from 1989 and it won't even startup. Vista may install in 5 minutes or less when it ships using current hardware of the time.


and judging by Vista delays, the hardware of 2010 should be to install it perfectly, seeing as how that is when it is going to ship.
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