Internet: cable modem to new Airport Extreme (a year old, so AC speeds). 100mbps internet provider plan.
Devices: iphone 6S (personal), iphone 6 (work), 2011 27" iMac, 4th gen apple TV and less important: ipad mini, Lenovo work laptop, 3rd gen apple TV.
home: 750 sq foot 1 bedroom apartment. tests were run around apartment and speeds were roughly consistent.
I periodically check my internet speeds, and now I want advice. This morning was the newest test via Speedtest. I tried my 6S and my 6 iphones and they were getting 30mbps. So I tried restarting my Airport Extreme and after that they were getting around 40-60mbps or so (it jumped up and down depending on the test). I then tested on my iMac and my 4th gen Apple TV and they are getting consistent 120mbps. Huge difference right? I thought the iphones were capable of much faster wifi speeds than what they are getting now.
I dont know what troubleshooting steps I should try. Totally resetting the airport extreme and setting up as new? Tesetting network settings on all my idevices (all my wifi networks/passwords are automatically shared between all my devices)?
I will be moving to a 2 bedroom and getting a roommate soon and I want to make sure all our devices are getting the speeds I am paying for. The roommate is one of those change-every-setting android lovers and is already groaning about having to use apple network gear. "It wont handle a network drive!" (yes it will). "does it have QoS? I need to use VoIP!" etc etc etc.
Devices: iphone 6S (personal), iphone 6 (work), 2011 27" iMac, 4th gen apple TV and less important: ipad mini, Lenovo work laptop, 3rd gen apple TV.
home: 750 sq foot 1 bedroom apartment. tests were run around apartment and speeds were roughly consistent.
I periodically check my internet speeds, and now I want advice. This morning was the newest test via Speedtest. I tried my 6S and my 6 iphones and they were getting 30mbps. So I tried restarting my Airport Extreme and after that they were getting around 40-60mbps or so (it jumped up and down depending on the test). I then tested on my iMac and my 4th gen Apple TV and they are getting consistent 120mbps. Huge difference right? I thought the iphones were capable of much faster wifi speeds than what they are getting now.
I dont know what troubleshooting steps I should try. Totally resetting the airport extreme and setting up as new? Tesetting network settings on all my idevices (all my wifi networks/passwords are automatically shared between all my devices)?
I will be moving to a 2 bedroom and getting a roommate soon and I want to make sure all our devices are getting the speeds I am paying for. The roommate is one of those change-every-setting android lovers and is already groaning about having to use apple network gear. "It wont handle a network drive!" (yes it will). "does it have QoS? I need to use VoIP!" etc etc etc.