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macrumors 68030
Original poster
Oct 23, 2003
Brunswick, MD
I've been using Homebridge for a long time now, running in a "jail" on my FreeNAS server at home. I have about 6 different Wemo switches and plugs around the house that it's been helping me bridge to work with HomeKit, as well as a MyQ garage door opener.

It seems like right after I upgraded my iPhone to the iOS 14 release though, all of these devices disappeared from "Home" on my iPhone and Mac. I had automation programmed to turn outside lights on at night and off in the morning, and realized the lights weren't turning on. That's when I looked and saw the devices had vanished.

I tried removing the Homebridge from my phone and adding it back again, but same issue. Does anyone know if Apple finally did something to block it from communicating with iOS 14? I upgraded my Homebridge installation to the latest version and updated my plugins for MyQ and Wemo to their respective latest versions -- but that didn't do anything.


macrumors 68040
Dec 30, 2009
I have Homebridge on UnRaid, phone has been on iOS14 since initial developer preview up to current 14.2 and I haven't had an issue.
18 Insteon Switches, the MyQ garage Door, UniFi Protect cameras, Pool Controller, Nest thermostats. Only about 1/4 of my devices are actually homekit certified but everything has been working.


macrumors 601
May 27, 2008
homebridge is working for me.
sometimes it just gets borked, I've had it happen once or twice, but it's be a while

2 things to try, one word of warning
There's a good chance you will loose all room assignments, scenes and automations for your homebridge devices, other homekit devices should be fine.
for the first option, I'm not sure. The second option will definitely clear them.

In the homebirdge config file, you can try changing the "user name" which looks like a MAC address - a bunch of 2 digits separated by colons. Just change the last 2 digits to something else (must be 0 to 9 or A,B,C,D,E) You must restart homebridge after changing. and then try re-adding in the home app.

If that doesn't work, this should get it back,

in the folder where your config file is, there should be 2 folders called accessories and persist
Stop homebridge, delete the contents of those 2 folders, restart homebridge, and try to add in the home app


macrumors 68030
Original poster
Oct 23, 2003
Brunswick, MD
Thanks for the info!
I was afraid to delete the entire contents of those 2 folders (persist and accessories) but it turns out I needed to do that AND delete and add back the plug-ins to get it all going again over here. Definitely was some weird "cruft" in the existing installation before I did that because the MyQ plug-in, in particular, kept popping up a message in the log about it not using the correct label/name or something when it loaded up. After redoing all of this, that stopped happening.
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