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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Aug 11, 2009
I have set up a HomePod Minis as a pair. This works wonderfully with music! Sound comes out of both speakers to create a stereo effect as you would expect.

The problem starts when I watch tv. Everything is only playing out of one speaker. It's annoying! I'm using Apple TV so I assumed this should work seamlessly ... but not so much as it turns out.

Any ideas what is going on? Why is the HomePod Mini pair working correctly with music but not when watching tv?


Nov 8, 2017
New York
I get this issue from time to time. Try rebooting the HomePods and The AppleTV. If that doesn’t work, in pair the HomePods stereo pair and re-pair.

Apple and seamless do not belong in the same sentence lol. Best eco system of products out there, awful software that kills the experience.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Aug 11, 2009
Thanks for the fixes but I still am getting sound out of 1 HomePod Mini while watching tv.

I thought that maybe only certain shows incorporated surround sound correctly. But that doesn’t appear to be the problem. I was watching “Blackbird” last night on Apple TV. You’d think Apple’s own shows would work … right?


Nov 8, 2017
New York
Thanks for the fixes but I still am getting sound out of 1 HomePod Mini while watching tv.

I thought that maybe only certain shows incorporated surround sound correctly. But that doesn’t appear to be the problem. I was watching “Blackbird” last night on Apple TV. You’d think Apple’s own shows would work … right?
Regardless of true surround sound, with a stereo pair setup, you should still be getting sound out of both HomePods. Surprised none of those troubleshooting tips worked. The unpair and re-pair has a 100% success rate for me when I get this issue.
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