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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 31, 2015
Hey everyone!

Since I bought the HomePod I seem to be having reoccurring issue with playing songs I’ve purchased from the iTunes Store.

When I ask Siri to play any purchased song I will hear silence. The same situation happens when I try to control the HomePod via iOS’s AirPlay feature, selecting the song will result in its brief appearing and disappearing from the control bar.

Note, that I have Apple Music and iTunes Match subscription with 560 songs bought on iTunes.

What have I tried already:
  1. Removed the HomePod from the Home app
  2. Reset the HomePod manually by unplugging and pressing the top light until it resets
  3. Setup the HomePod again from scratch

After these steps, iTunes songs seem to be playing just fine, but the issue reappears after few hours of not using the HomePod.

My observation shows the following pattern:
  • Apple Music songs - always play
  • iTunes Match uploaded songs - always play
  • iTunes purchased songs - after a reset they play, but after a couple of hours of not using the HomePod they won’t play anymore
Moreover, steaming my iTunes purchases to the HomePod from my Mac or iPhone works just fine, the problem is when I ask Siri to play them, or I try to control the HomePod via iOS’s AirPlay sheet.

I have the latest iOS 11.2.6 on iPhone X, also I have a HomeKit configured with two Philips Hue bulbs - all work fine without a hitch.

Any thoughts what could be the source of the problem?

Thanks in advance for the help!


macrumors regular
Nov 9, 2013
Many users are having this issue. Even Match has this behavior for me. I’ve not read the cause.

Just doing unplug/plug resets for me.
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