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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 22, 2009
I have a 2.8GHz Intel Core 2 Duo 24 inch iMac in may-june 2008. I bought it because I wanted to avoid the 20 inch display problems. Somehow I feel I ended up with the wrong side of the deal. Check the snapshot please:
The picture was taken using my iPhone so it's not exacty Cannon quality, but still, it describes my problem in 1000 words :(


What would you do in my place. Would you risk getting another one, maybe a crappier one? It is ludicrous that you take part in a russian lottery when buying a fairly expensive product like a Mac. Frustrating...
Please let me know what would you do.
I would take it back to an apple store and have them fix it. Hopefully you got proper apple care with it.
I think I have horizontal problems with my 24" iMac. Here's some screenshots:
Top of screen:

Bottom of screen:

Entire screen:

I bought the iMac in August 2008 so would this cost me anything? If I try to get it fixed are they going to fix my screen or give me a new iMac? I really hope they would fix the screen I have and not give me a new iMac cause out of my 500GB HDD I have 320GB filled with my files that I really don't want to lose. Thanks.
I really hope you're backing up, or are going to soon.. especially if you "don't want to lose" your files. Hard drives fail 100% of the time... it's just a matter of when.

They'll fix your screen at no cost. You shouldn't have to worry about data loss, but you never know when you bring it in for service. Even if they did replace your machine (which they won't) they should be able to transfer your data for you.
Same Problem :(

hello....i seem to have the same problem in the exact and above the dock bar...i really don t know what to do....i am from romania and i have the exact imac :24" 3.06 nvidia 8800 (BTO)...:(...i read that it may be the greaphic heating up, because when i start the computer they are not there but after a wile (4 -5 h ) they apear...if i change bkg they will be not noticeable but i know i'm just beliving things :)...what should i do ?
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