I've had my MBP 17" 2.16 gHz for 6 months or so and I've been using it for gaming (mainly WoW). I recently decided to try to overclock my video card a bit on my windows xp partition, so I started looking around on the internet for resources. I downloaded Ati OmegaDrivers and overclocked to the recommended specs. It works fine, no overheating or anything, but when I was looking around on the internet I noticed that everyone else's specs seemed to be lightyears above mine. At default clock speeds, playing WoW on my OSX partition with medium graphics settings I get maybe 15-20 FPS. I thought it would get better when I switched to windows and overclocked some, but it hasn't. Even overclocked i'm still only getting 17-22 FPS with the same graphics settings. This was quite disturbing as I had read multiple threads about people getting upwards of 60 FPS with maximum graphics settings on OSX with no overclocking on the exact same machine I have! Mine isn't even half this, overclocked to 500/525 with medium graphics settings! To make things worse, I also read about overclocked benchmarks being around the 4500 range, and when I ran my benchmark it topped out at about 2300, overclocked! Is my MBP gimped? Am I doing something wrong?
I've had my MBP 17" 2.16 gHz for 6 months or so and I've been using it for gaming (mainly WoW). I recently decided to try to overclock my video card a bit on my windows xp partition, so I started looking around on the internet for resources. I downloaded Ati OmegaDrivers and overclocked to the recommended specs. It works fine, no overheating or anything, but when I was looking around on the internet I noticed that everyone else's specs seemed to be lightyears above mine. At default clock speeds, playing WoW on my OSX partition with medium graphics settings I get maybe 15-20 FPS. I thought it would get better when I switched to windows and overclocked some, but it hasn't. Even overclocked i'm still only getting 17-22 FPS with the same graphics settings. This was quite disturbing as I had read multiple threads about people getting upwards of 60 FPS with maximum graphics settings on OSX with no overclocking on the exact same machine I have! Mine isn't even half this, overclocked to 500/525 with medium graphics settings! To make things worse, I also read about overclocked benchmarks being around the 4500 range, and when I ran my benchmark it topped out at about 2300, overclocked! Is my MBP gimped? Am I doing something wrong?