XIII said:
How about... move your iTunes library to the external HD. Then, select it (in its new location), and in the Finder edit (or maybe file) menu, choose create alias. Then put the alias in the old place. It should all work fine now.
EDIT: Above method maybe better.. dunno.
good thinking- but- yea- the method i posted works and is what i do-
your idea- has one lil issue-
let me get really long winded to explain this:
ok- so remember old card catalogs in librarys?
there's a card- it says "xxx book is by yyy and is located at 123.22"
however- it's just a card- not a book!
you have to go to the shelve to find the book-
itunes is the same way
in the itunes window (so in the app) it is like a card catalog- there are no files in itunes -- the files are stored on your HD-
then if you 'get info' on an itunes file- it says "oh- the file is located here....."
typically something like "user/music/itunes/itunes music"
your suggestion is to just move the files from that folder to the external-
then the computer (itunes app) will go to that folder and look for the file and not find it!-
instead it will find your alias- which may or may not work-
also- when you add new files- they will be going to the computer not the external
assuming crazycat wants to add more music... this will lead to a prbm
he will have music files in 2 places on his computer-
thus clutter begins!
by going to that 'advanced' menu and picking 'copy my music files'
essentailly you are going through that card catalog and making sure ALL of the cards lead to books! and the books are @ the right place-
so- the computer (itunes) will automatically put all of the cards in their places and make sure the books are in a location that the cards know about
(either your hard drive or the external)
by first going to prefs and changing the prefs to say "go to the external"-
your itunes will be smart enough to move all of the files there-
@ this point- however- we have 2 shelves on your overall system w/ the books on it!!
you've created a 2nd library
so you have to manually go in and delete the first libray
(located in that music folder in the itunes folder)
clear as mud?
Edit: or just click on the link that Mitthrawnurundo provided....