I have a 2009 Mac Pro. If I installed OS X Server to one of my HDD partitions, does OS X Server come with all the app's for me to host my Wordpress blog? I've already bought a domain name. I know it's more reliable (much better uptime if I bought cloud hosting), but at this moment it's just a casual blog. If my Mac Pro went to sleep would the blog/website go down? I also think it would be fun to see if I can set up a blog/website and host myself.
But I read I need a static IP address for this to work? If yes, that means all the small businesses for which OS X Server is marketed to, need to buy a static IP address which I heard is expensive.
I also heard that hosting is dangerous as my Mac will get attacked/hacked? Wouldn't OS X Server include protective app's? And even if the hackers got through, the only damage they could do would be limited to the partition that OS X Server and the website is located on? I wouldn't want my whole network and my entire Mac Pro endangered. Please advise. Thanks!
But I read I need a static IP address for this to work? If yes, that means all the small businesses for which OS X Server is marketed to, need to buy a static IP address which I heard is expensive.
I also heard that hosting is dangerous as my Mac will get attacked/hacked? Wouldn't OS X Server include protective app's? And even if the hackers got through, the only damage they could do would be limited to the partition that OS X Server and the website is located on? I wouldn't want my whole network and my entire Mac Pro endangered. Please advise. Thanks!