What I look for in a web browser is the right balance of speed (includes page layout and scroll speed), correctness, appearance, bugginess, and stability. Here's how I see things with OS X browsers right now:
- Mozilla 0.9.8: Average speed. Excellent correctness. Okay appearance. Very buggy. Good stability.
- IE 5.1: Average speed. Pretty good correctness. Okay appearance. Kind of buggy. Good stability.
- OmniWeb 4.1 beta: Very slow on pages that are anything more than basic text. Not very good correctness. Hands-down the best looking web browser ever. Kind of buggy. Okay stability (in my experience anyway).
- iCab: Haven't tried
- Netscape 4.7 in Classic mode: VERY fast. Horrible correctness. Poor appearance. Kind of buggy. Good stability.
- Mozilla 0.9.8 in Classic mode: Very fast. Excellent correctness. Nice OS9 appearance. Very buggy. Good stability.
- Opera: Haven't tried
- Lynx: FAST!! CORRECT!! Very simple appearance! Stable as a mofo! This is what we should all be using!
I'm typing this in OmniWeb at the moment because its fonts make everything easier to read for me (on an LCD). I want to use Mozilla, but it just feels too buggy for me at the moment. The new OS X look is nice, but it still looks a bit hackish, especially with the old Communicator buttons right next to the Mozilla page-load icon, which itself is overlayed on top of a big Aqua button-thing. (What's up with that?) Once that icky look is fixed, and once it starts using Cocoa fonts (if ever), I'd like to switch to it. Unless OmniWeb's layout engine improves.
Ergghh... so many choices.