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macrumors 68030
Original poster
Nov 16, 2004
Cloud 9 (-6)
I was just wrestling with the idea of having some running 'competitions' in the Digital Photography forum. Here is my idea:

On a weekly basis, we come up with a topic to shoot, something that we all have access to. We have one weeks time to get out and shoot the topic and post process it however we like within the selected theme. Then at the end of that week we can all compare our images and comment on them. It isn't so much a who wins type competition, more of a how did you do that!? type competition.

It really isn't a competition much at all, more of a learning tool and way to have fun and share some images. I'm hoping that some of you understand what I'm getting at and can either add to it or think it would be fun.

So an example, which won't necessarily be the first topic, but just to outline my theory:
Topic of architecture, theme of black&blue.
What I would be imaging is we go out and take pictures of architectural pieces that fall into the specified color theme and then edit them and share them at week's end.

So anyway, what do you all think? Perhaps two weeks is a better timeframe? I'm open to suggestions and feedback.


May 26, 2004
Randy's House
efoto said:
I was just wrestling with the idea of having some running 'competitions' in the Digital Photography forum. Here is my idea:

On a weekly basis, we come up with a topic to shoot, something that we all have access to. We have one weeks time to get out and shoot the topic and post process it however we like within the selected theme. Then at the end of that week we can all compare our images and comment on them. It isn't so much a who wins type competition, more of a how did you do that!? type competition.

It really isn't a competition much at all, more of a learning tool and way to have fun and share some images. I'm hoping that some of you understand what I'm getting at and can either add to it or think it would be fun.

So an example, which won't necessarily be the first topic, but just to outline my theory:
Topic of architecture, theme of black&blue.
What I would be imaging is we go out and take pictures of architectural pieces that fall into the specified color theme and then edit them and share them at week's end.

So anyway, what do you all think? Perhaps two weeks is a better timeframe? I'm open to suggestions and feedback.

Fred does this. Me likey.


macrumors 68020
Aug 23, 2003
Fort Myers, FL
I'm in. I would like to get into doing some panoramic stuff that's not related to real estate. So, my stuff will be on topic but QTVR - would that be okay?


May 26, 2004
Randy's House
One thing though, I'd like to mention, is that people on this site can be pretty aggressive with their comments, and sometimes just rip a photo out of a thread and PhotoChop™ it.

Have a read over at the Fred Miranda forums. Everyone is VERY friendly, and offer good CONSTRUCTIVE criticism.

Some guidelines about courtesy are in order, or newbies interested in expanding their skill set will never post.


macrumors G4
Would be fun although I suspect a couple of categories for DSLR and P&S cameras might be needed so that the amateurs can take part and have a chance of something... ;)

Fortnightly or monthly would be best. I'm assuming that as with other forums, the photos have to be taken for the challenge during the specified period so that you can't just pull one out of your library - although a 'anytime' category might be fun for those great pictures that might otherwise never be seen.


macrumors 65816
Oct 9, 2002
iGary said:
Some guidelines about courtesy are in order, or newbies interested in expanding their skill set will never post.

I think the competition is a great idea and I think we should have strong guidelines about posting, criticizing and future uses of the artwork. I think before kicking such a thing off we need to discuss moderation of such threads, as indeed other technique/criticism/advice oriented threads. Maybe a special "Digital Photography" mod should be appointed as to not overload the regular mods with this (as previously mentionned).

Back to topic, I think 1 week is a bit short. Everybody may not have time to reserach, shoot, Photoshop, etc. in such a short time. Something between 2 weeks - 1 month IMHO. This would also help increase quality level if people have more time to work.

Just my 2p.


macrumors 68030
Original poster
Nov 16, 2004
Cloud 9 (-6)
EGT said:
Or monthly like we do desktops.
Monthly just seems like a long time to wait....perhaps biweekly makes more sense and gives a little more time to go out and get the shot and process it.

Cooknn said:
I'm in. I would like to get into doing some panoramic stuff that's not related to real estate. So, my stuff will be on topic but QTVR - would that be okay?

QTVR? Sure...what I don't know won't hurt me :p

iGary said:
One thing though, I'd like to mention, is that people on this site can be pretty aggressive with their comments, and sometimes just rip a photo out of a thread and PhotoChop™ it.

Have a read over at the Fred Miranda forums. Everyone is VERY friendly, and offer good CONSTRUCTIVE criticism.

Some guidelines about courtesy are in order, or newbies interested in expanding their skill set will never post.
Excellent points. I suggested this as a experimental/learning/fun thing, and I would expect the comments to be along that nature as well. I really want to avoid these 'assignments' getting into debates about noise or quality, things like that. I just want to have some fun and see what other people see behind the glass. I think it will be cool to see the different submissions from the same assignment, since we all look at things in our own way.

Applespider said:
Would be fun although I suspect a couple of categories for DSLR and P&S cameras might be needed so that the amateurs can take part and have a chance of something... ;)
Well I don't plan to award winners or hand out prizes, so P&S vs. DSLR isn't that big of a deal. Perhaps competition is the wrong word....although it would be cool if we maybe setup a poll at the end of each assignment and just voted for the one we liked the best.


macrumors 68030
Original poster
Nov 16, 2004
Cloud 9 (-6)
whocares said:
I think the competition is a great idea and I think we should have strong guidelines about posting, criticizing and future uses of the artwork. I think before kicking such a thing off we need to discuss moderation of such threads, as indeed other technique/criticism/advice oriented threads. Maybe a special "Digital Photography" mod should be appointed as to not overload the regular mods with this (as previously mentionned).

Agreed. I want this to remain fun and useful as a learning tool. I'm interested to see how others approach a similar assignment compared to how I approach it and I'm hoping we can all take away new and interesting vantage points for future use. We certainly do need to establish some rather strict guidelines are far as critiquing and criticizing go. I am all for someone saying 'you're image could be improved with this technique....' but I'm not a fan of 'you should have done this'. I guess a lot of it is wording, but still the key of this is to be fun and enjoyable.

I'm not sure if the moderation can set a per-thread mod or not, but if so it wouldn't be a bad idea to get on for this forum just to keep it in check and keep 'N vs. C' debates to a minimum.

Back to topic, I think 1 week is a bit short. Everybody may not have time to reserach, shoot, Photoshop, etc. in such a short time. Something between 2 weeks - 1 month IMHO. This would also help increase quality level if people have more time to work.
I think 2 weeks is a better working timeframe than 1. If we came up with the assignment by the end of Sunday (week 1) and then we had Monday W1 through Thursday W2 to shoot/process/whatever, and we could require all images submitted by Thursday of W2, which would leave Friday/Saturday of W2 for 'judgement'/comments/voting/etc.

I guess we all sort of need to lock in what guidelines this is to follow. I really like the idea and want to see it through, but I could use some help/suggestions on how to make it user friendly and approachable. The 'voting' idea was just to reward the work of everyone by picking a winner for that assignment. If people take offense to that part of it, we can easily let that go.


Moderator emeritus
Oct 21, 2003
Portland, OR
Applespider said:
Would be fun although I suspect a couple of categories for DSLR and P&S cameras might be needed so that the amateurs can take part and have a chance of something... ;)

I might have to second this, as I would love to take part, but I'm an amateur with a point-n-shoot digicammy. And I don't particularly want to get ripped on, just constructive criticism with the "salt-seller" in mind.


macrumors 68030
Original poster
Nov 16, 2004
Cloud 9 (-6)
BakedBeans said:
it must be done anonymously to work, if its a competition, the best photo very rarely wins other wise

I'm not sure we can actually limit this, but it would be nice if comments only came from those who posted work themselves....that way it would be a bit of trading instead of just criticism from random people.

I think most people here are nice enough, but when you comment on someone else's work it's easier to do so when you know they have nothing to comment back on. It's almost like a self-check if we require an image upload to makes comments because then no one would get to rash because then the onslaught would find its way back to them ;)

As far as keeping it anonymous and the 'best photo' winning, well perhaps competition isn't the best word then. I'd rather we not rate them and all just turn in our personal versions of the assignment then worry about animosity because the 'best' photo was not victorious.


macrumors G4
efoto said:
As far as keeping it anonymous and the 'best photo' winning, well perhaps competition isn't the best word then. I'd rather we not rate them and all just turn in our personal versions of the assignment then worry about animosity because the 'best' photo was not victorious.

Might be safest - and would allow more people to feel they could enter if the goal is to what we've expressed rather than being overly critical of how we've expressed it. Perhaps they're just photo themes or challenges then?


Moderator emeritus
Oct 21, 2003
Portland, OR
I like that idea.. themes/challenges.

Maybe themes for the ams, and challenges for the pros?

Either way, I'm psyched and hope this happens. I've been driving (exploring) around a lot in the area of our new house and have lamented my lack of forethought to drag a camera with me.


macrumors G3
May 25, 2004
i like the idea, but we should have no auto mode, must use manual settings
I think igary will "win" hands down every week ;)


macrumors 65816
Oct 9, 2002
efoto said:
I think 2 weeks is a better working timeframe than 1. If we came up with the assignment by the end of Sunday (week 1) and then we had Monday W1 through Thursday W2 to shoot/process/whatever, and we could require all images submitted by Thursday of W2, which would leave Friday/Saturday of W2 for 'judgement'/comments/voting/etc.

I like your 2 week "schedule". It works for me. I think a little competition is a good idea, but should not be the primary goal! Polls could be used to conserve anonymity (with all pics submitted to Digital Photo mod). I agree on only people submitting work on a regular basis can criticise.


A draught for the critique guidlines:

Member must regularly post artwork to be entitle to criticise other's work.
Photoshoping on MR of submited artwork requires authorization from owner. I think this should be enforced with a banning threat (we need to get a mod interested in this thread :D )

Critique should be made on the following:
* composition
* use of colour vs. b&w
* shutter/aperture settings
* exposure
* colour (saturation, white balance, etc.)
* use of flash
* focal length with limitations (say 17-105mm 35mm equiv. - no crazy "it'd be better with a 300mm or a 14mm fisheye" :rolleyes: )
* image enhancement (dodging/burning, sharpening, etc.)

Should not be permitted:
* "I don't like your work" type comments
* comments on camera/lens/scan quality/make/type/etc.
* criticism on artistic choices: subject, interpretation of assignment, etc. (non-negative comments/discussion on these choices should be welcome however)
* I'm sure I haven't thought of everything

Submitting rules:
* artwork submitted should come under some Creative Commons T&C (to be determined)
* artists should secure all legal requirements before submitting work (authorisation from models, building owners, etc.)
* artist may only submit art within the forum rules (no NSFW, illegal, etc. stuff)
* artists may only submit X photos per contest (number X to be determined)

This is obviously a working document and I think we should all decide on the definitive guideline. This should get it going though. :)


Moderator emeritus
Oct 21, 2003
Portland, OR
I hope those (potential) rules are for the "Pros".. as I have no idea what half that gibberish is all about. Focal length? I'll focal length you! :)


macrumors 68030
Original poster
Nov 16, 2004
Cloud 9 (-6)
Applespider said:
Might be safest - and would allow more people to feel they could enter if the goal is to what we've expressed rather than being overly critical of how we've expressed it. Perhaps they're just photo themes or challenges then?

A lot of online is wording, so perhaps themes and challenges is safer than the former term which we will no longer mention :eek: :p

Now the question is, timeframe and structure :confused:

I mentioned 1 week which I now believe to be too short, and then there was 2 weeks and a full month. Is there any consensus on this?
My only fear with making it a full month is that it will grow out of proportion quite quickly, not unlike our monthly desktops threads. I guess if we had good legislation/rules that outlined what we could/could-not post during that month long period, it could remain on topic and in tact....

I'm open for structure ideas, or anyone who knows of how FredMiranda does this? or someone have a great plan already set ;)


macrumors 68030
Original poster
Nov 16, 2004
Cloud 9 (-6)
whocares said:
I like your 2 week "schedule". It works for me. I think a little competition is a good idea, but should not be the primary goal! Polls could be used to conserve anonymity (with all pics submitted to Digital Photo mod). I agree on only people submitting work on a regular basis can criticise.

Submitting rules:
* artwork submitted should come under some Creative Commons T&C (to be determined)
* artists should secure all legal requirements before submitting work (authorisation from models, building owners, etc.)
* artist may only submit art within the forum rules (no NSFW, illegal, etc. stuff)
* artists may only submit X photos per contest (number X to be determined)

This is obviously a working document and I think we should all decide on the definitive guideline. This should get it going though. :)

I agree with that document, it's a great start to getting us to a list of 'rules' to which we have to hold when posting/commenting for this idea.

The last section seems a bit specific, but maybe I'm just naive. I kind of imagined cropped images so that we wouldn't have to worry about copy / infringement type problems. We could say the Maximum size is 800x600, or something to that nature, or smaller if the artist is worried about having their work taken and printed elsewhere.
Do you really need permission from a building owner to publish a shot of a structure!? :confused:

It would be nice to if we had a Digital Photo Mod that we could submit all works through and that person could 'standardize' all the files to whatever we agree (i.e. jpg quality in PS, overall size).

(we need to get a mod interested in this thread :D)
Certainly, or get a mod specifically for this thread ;) Either or, or both! There is rarely too much moderation on internet forums....

yellow said:
I hope those (potential) rules are for the "Pros".. as I have no idea what half that gibberish is all about. Focal length? I'll focal length you! :)
Haha, "I'll focal length you!"


macrumors 604
Jan 20, 2005
This is a great idea, and I agree with the other poster, it's better to have it monthly, as opposed to weekly. I participate in a photoshop contest at another forum and initially, it was every week, but the person in charge of the contest, pushed it out to once every 2 weeks, but even then, she felt it was too much work to administer the contest.

And this is with the previous winner submitting a new photograph and each participant tries to enhance the photo in some way.


macrumors 68020
Aug 23, 2003
Fort Myers, FL
efoto said:
As far as keeping it anonymous and the 'best photo' winning, well perhaps competition isn't the best word then. I'd rather we not rate them and all just turn in our personal versions of the assignment then worry about animosity because the 'best' photo was not victorious.
I like that idea. Everyone can shoot thier photo's keeping with the theme/topic and just share their work for all to see.


macrumors 65816
Oct 9, 2002
yellow said:
I hope those (potential) rules are for the "Pros".. as I have no idea what half that gibberish is all about. Focal length? I'll focal length you! :)

Agreed they're technical terms but refer to quite simple stuff. IMHO it's all about setting up guidelines about what we can say and can't say (my suggested guidline basically say we should be able to critize technical aspects of the photos and discuss/comment about artisitic choices - everything else is out).

efoto said:
The last section seems a bit specific, but maybe I'm just naive. I kind of imagined cropped images so that we wouldn't have to worry about copy / infringement type problems. We could say the Maximum size is 800x600, or something to that nature, or smaller if the artist is worried about having their work taken and printed elsewhere.
Do you really need permission from a building owner to publish a shot of a structure!?

For commercial use: yes. For non-commercial use: not usually. (this applies in France and possibly most countries). Securing authorisation from model is essential (even from en ethical point of view), as for property I'd like to we warned/asked if somebody was going to post a pic of my house ont the net...

efoto said:
It would be nice to if we had a Digital Photo Mod that we could submit all works through and that person could 'standardize' all the files to whatever we agree (i.e. jpg quality in PS, overall size).

Absolutely. This mod is going to have some work though :p :p :p
Does anyone know if any of the mods are following this thread? Their input on this is I think essential: do our goals fit in the forum limits? can we have a dedicated mod? how would we appoint such a mod?


macrumors G4
whocares said:
Absolutely. This mod is going to have some work though :p :p :p
Does anyone know if any of the mods are following this thread? Their input on this is I think essential: do our goals fit in the forum limits? can we have a dedicated mod? how would we appoint such a mod?

I think we might be over-complicating this; and asking for a mod for a brand new forum is probably the quickest way to lose the forum. Why don't we have a go - following the sensible rules as to getting permission and criticising - and see how it goes?

I think we're all grown up enough to handle following the rules of resizing your image to no bigger than 800x600 and posting it. If we're not doing a competition per se, then it's going be less of an issue whether the images are anonymous. But if we feel that's essential, then why don't we set up a gmail address to mail the resized/corrected image to? Give two or three regular posters the password so that the burden doesn't fall on one person and they can post them at the appropriate time.

As for 'auto'/manual, I'd say it's whatever goes; P&S might not have much choice but auto...
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