So I have a Macbook Pro that I used Software Update to update to 10.5.6. Yet, I have no problems entering DFU mode and jailbreaking multiple iPhones. I thought 10.5.6 wouldn't work?
Okay thanks for this advice. This has helped a lot. Now I can actually get to the screen where I select the firmware bundle I put on my desktop, but right after it starts the restore process, I get the attached error. Help!You must utilize a USB hub between your MB and iPhone. I just did two JBs and they both took ten minutes max...![]()
Okay thanks for this advice. This has helped a lot. Now I can actually get to the screen where I select the firmware bundle I put on my desktop, but right after it starts the restore process, I get the attached error. Help!![]()
I have an iPhone that I am able to enter DFU mode with (and i'm on 10.5.6). However, when I plug it in, iTunes gives me an error. And as far as not being able to enter DFU mode on 10.5.6, I think that's only SOME machines, not all...
Can you use any usb hub? Like this? Or this? I think I remember reading somewhere that it needs to be a powered hub? Am I remembering that right? There is a way to do it without the hub. It involves signing up with ADC and then downloading a developer debug package. Details are on the dev team's blog.
As I've explained in other posts, I did my JB on my 3G iPhone FW 2.2.1 on my MBP 2.5GHz (not unibody) with the USB hub btwn my MBP and iPhone; my neighbor/friend did the JB on his 3G iPhone FW 2.2.1 on his MB 2.4GHz (unibody), right along side of me with the USB hub btwn his MB and iPhone and it took ten minutes as well. So, whether it works with all Macs or just the unibody, I can't be the final word on the issue. AFAIK, it worked for me with both a unibody and a non-unibody...![]()
Anyone jailbreak with a hub similar to the one I bought?
Okay thanks for this advice. This has helped a lot. Now I can actually get to the screen where I select the firmware bundle I put on my desktop, but right after it starts the restore process, I get the attached error. Help!![]()
I was able to JB with just a regular USB hub, no power connection, on both unibody MB and a classic MBP (both computers are running 10.5.6, iPhone firmware 2.2.1)...
Here's the USB hub that I used:
Weird how my comment was attributed to spaceball in your above post.....![]()