I love my new iPad 3G. Now I am trying to find the best ways to use it at work. Currently, I carry a spiral notebook to take notes in meetings and keep track of action items. I tend to use post-it notes on my desk to keep track of to-do's. We use Office/Exchange at work and won't be able to connect to it on my iPad due to security concerns. We use blackberries for mobile email.
I have Penultimate on my iPad, but I haven't found a good stylus to replace my pen/notepad that I use to take notes in meetings.
Any suggestions you have that will make me MORE productive at work with my iPad would be appreciated.
Same general scenario here. I'm going to try replacing my black leather 3-ring organizer (my co-workers joke about my "Trapper Keeper") with the iPad. While I'm aware I'll just be trading one form of good-natured ribbing for another, Evernote is the app that just might be cool enough to make it work.
Evernote is a free app for iPhone, iPad, Mac, PC, etc. If you take notes or a photo in one place, it syncs to the cloud and is accessible from all of them. It allows you to title, tag (killer), and organize notes into separate notebooks. I have two general notebooks: work and home.
Also, if you have a camera-phone capable of the evernote app (iphone, android, maybe Blackberry?), you can snap a photo of a typed page (memo, handout, business card, etc.) and not only will it save it as a note, but the Evernote server will run optical character recognition on the document and its contents become searchable.
Today's my first day with the iPad in the office, but I've been systematically ridding myself of paper by scanning all my old notes and sending them up to the cloud for a few weeks, so it was fairly smooth transition.
I think the rate-limiting factor will be how efficient my touch-screen typing abilities are. I imagine that, like the iphone, they will improve dramatically with time. It may be awkward in those first few meetings when I'm just hammering away on the backspace key the whole time.
Anyway, check out Evernote. No storage limit, but for the free account they cap your monthly data transfers at something like 50MB. I bought a year of premium service thinking my first couple months would be way over the limit as I integrated all of the papers cluttering my desk. Not so -- I could've stayed on the free plan.
I also use ReaddleDocs as a repository for a huge library of PDFs, and LogMeIn Ignition so I can leave my work laptop at work and access it from my ipad, iphone, or personal laptop. Last is Wolfram Alpha, which I use periodically to solve or plot solutions. Pages / Numbers to be able to open spreadsheets, but I can't tell you that these are better than the MS Office solutions out there (Documents2Go, etc.) because I just don't know.
Good luck. Let us know how it goes.