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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 21, 2011
I have recently been diagnosed with dyslexia and want to know how an apple mac can support me with my day to day studies and what programmes are out there that will help me rather than other laptops.

Thanks :)
There are quite a few options for you

While in the past most learning/dyslexia software has been available on PC's only, you will have quite a few options these days. I have tried and like a software from UK, called Claro software. It helps users with cognitive/learning struggles and it has quite a few neat features. Check out their site they have a free trial you can try out. There is another company company in the US - Origin Instruments, that does quite a bit of work with Macs, they have some really neat solutions, here is their site -

Good luck and let us know if you have any more questions.

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