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macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 18, 2007
Swansea, Wales UK
My wife is pregnant and I have been looking around at different tasteful pregnancy photography.

Ive seen this photo and would love to take one like it with my 40d, thing is I dont have a clue where to start.

I dont have any studio lighting so would be grateful for any tips.

The image I really like is here

Ive posted on the photographers blog, but no response :(

Of course any other tips fro arty and tasteful pregnancy photos would be good

Thanks in advance


macrumors 6502a
Dec 4, 2008
just a guess.... background, dark room, light on right side of her body.

The exif says 1/1000@ 5.6 and 70mm, I would guess this was taken with a 24-70?

Probably playing around with curves to get the right look....


macrumors 6502a
Mar 17, 2008
What lighting do you have (ie do you have an external flash)? You may be able to pull it off cheaply with something like this.

Set the lights up a bit higher than the top of her stomach, out of the frame and slightly behind her. Only turn on one of the lights. To pull off the effect, you may need a grid (if you do, renting a light is the easiest way to get the picture).

Shoot RAW as you will need to color correct later (and it's easier to play with the exposure with a raw file).

EDIT: There is very little reflection off the ceiling, you may have better luck shooting this outside at night. It can give you the black background (depending on where you live) and allow you to control the reflection over the top.


macrumors 603
Oct 22, 2007
An Island in the Salish Sea
I see one main light, on the soft side - but not entirely so - perhaps a 2ft softbox, I'd be using a strip of it. I think the light's height is just above the belly button (look really carefully at that the shadows on the hands) and will be behind the model and just off the frame to the left. There are reflectors, likely, that then throw a little light back onto the hair and shoulders etc.

I think the background is pretty far back. This then allows the angle needed for the light to give that wonderful "skip light" effect. In which case the size of the light needs to get bigger to keep the relative softness.

And Photoshop. Lots of Photoshop. Probably. The photographer could be that good.
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