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Original poster
Jan 30, 2006
So I took this photo, but it looks strange compared to the second one, in which I used Aperture to change the contrast.

How can I achieve this without the need of post-processing? Do I need a filter for this?


  • SM (1 of 1) 2007.jpg
    SM (1 of 1) 2007.jpg
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  • SM (1 of 1) 2007 (1).jpg
    SM (1 of 1) 2007 (1).jpg
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macrumors 68020
Jun 29, 2004
A slightly longer shutter speed would achieve the same effect. The original photograph is a touch under exposed hence the grey instead of the black.


You mean overexposed (over= too much light, under=not enough). So what you have to do is set your camera to underexpose the image... If it's an SLR, increase the shutter speed. If it's a point and shoot with adjustability, set exposure to -1 or however that system works.


macrumors 6502
Jan 10, 2006
You mean overexposed (over= too much light, under=not enough). So what you have to do is set your camera to underexpose the image... If it's an SLR, increase the shutter speed. If it's a point and shoot with adjustability, set exposure to -1 or however that system works.

I do not believe the image is overexposed, see the histogram attached---histogram for RGB is the same.

Somewhere in this forum is a thread on histogram interpretations, with a link to a site that shows just this kind of photo with no shadows or highlights, I'll look for it.


  • low-contrast.jpg
    67.7 KB · Views: 64

baby duck monge

macrumors 68000
Feb 16, 2003
Memphis, TN
You would probably have better luck if you adjusted the levels instead of the contrast (though that's still PP). Your histogram shows us two things: 1) you have not lost information to shadow or highlight, and 2) you have nothing near a white or black point.

While you do not want your histogram to fall of the edge, you do want to come close to the edge. If you readjusted for white and black, all the gray would go away. Not something I can really tell you how to do in-camera, but I would rather start with your histogram and fix it than risk losing too much info from the start.


Original poster
Jan 30, 2006
Somewhere in this forum is a thread on histogram interpretations, with a link to a site that shows just this kind of photo with no shadows or highlights, I'll look for it.

Do you mean this one?

You would probably have better luck if you adjusted the levels instead of the contrast (though that's still PP). Your histogram shows us two things: 1) you have not lost information to shadow or highlight, and 2) you have nothing near a white or black point.

I'll try adjusting the image differently to see if it improves.

And maybe tomorrow I'll try and take at the same hour a similar photo. To see how can I make the photo look like the second one without post-processing

I'll try adjusting the shutter speed, etc. and I would tell you how it went.



Moderator emeritus
Jul 24, 2002
What metering mode did you use?

It is possible that you could use centre weighted metering, point the camera away from where you want to shoot (probably more at the sky in this case), meter (half-press) and then re-frame to shoot.

Or use exposure compensation to force the camera to use the metering information differently to get the exposure you want.


Original poster
Jan 30, 2006
It was center weighted. And with -0.7 exposure compensation.

I'll try your first advice.

As for the exposure compensation, which value should help me the most?


macrumors 68000
Nov 18, 2006
Melbourne, Australia
Shooting RAW? I think you pretty much have to post process. If you really don't want to, I'd meter the sky and reduce the exposure about a stop like other people have said.
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