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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 24, 2016
Just need to figure out how to get the hour in 2 digit format. Need it to be like 0300 0600 etc instead of like it is. How can I do that?

set whichUrl to 0
set fileNames to "1000hPa"
set theStartDate to the date "Sunday, June 21, 2015 at 00:00:00"
set theEndDate to theStartDate + (60 * 60 * 24 * 2)
set theDate to theStartDate
set theURL to ""
repeat until theDate = theEndDate
set theURL to theURL & (the year of theDate as text) & "/" & (the month of theDate as number) & "/" & (the day of theDate as text) & "/"
set theURL to theURL & (time of date (theDate as string))
set theURL to theURL & "rest.html" & return
set theDate to theDate + (60 * 60 * 3) --advance 3 hours
--Open the URL in Safari

tell application "Safari"
set the URL of document 1 to theURL
--Wait until it loads, then take a screenshot
delay 8
set picPath to ((POSIX path of (path to desktop)) & fileNames & "-" & whichUrl & ".jpg") as string
do shell script "screencapture -tjpg " & quoted form of picPath
end tell

--Increase the counter for next time
set whichUrl to whichUrl + 1
end repeat
Last edited:


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 24, 2016
Well it's sort of a kludge but I got it working like this. COuldn't figure out a cleaner way to have the time in the format of HHMM

set whichUrl to 0
set fileNames to "1000hPa"
set theStartDate to the date "Sunday, June 21, 2015 at 00:00:00"
set theEndDate to theStartDate + (60 * 60 * 24 * 2)
set theDate to theStartDate
set theURL to ""
repeat until theDate = theEndDate
set theURL to theURL & (the year of theDate as text) & "/" & (the month of theDate as number) & "/" & (the day of theDate as text) & "/"
if (time of (theDate as date) = 0) then --1 digit hour so add 2 leading zeros
set theURL to theURL & "00" & (round ((time of (theDate as date)) / 36))
if (time of (theDate as date) < 43200) then --1 digit hour so add leading zero
set theURL to theURL & "0" & (round ((time of (theDate as date)) / 36))
set theURL to theURL & (round ((time of (theDate as date)) / 36))
end if
end if
set theURL to theURL & "theres.html" & return
set theDate to theDate + (60 * 60 * 3) --advance 3 hours

tell application "Safari"
set the URL of document 1 to theURL as text
delay 8
set picPath to ((POSIX path of (path to desktop)) & fileNames & "-" & whichUrl & ".jpg") as string
do shell script "screencapture -tjpg " & quoted form of picPath
end tell

set theURL to ""
set whichUrl to whichUrl + 1
end repeat
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