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macrumors member
Original poster
Nov 26, 2006
I have Fuji S9500 camera and i want to open .RAF and convert .RAF to .TIF ? Tell me which software can do that.

Im editing photos in Aperture 1.5.2 and i cant open .RAF files.


macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
I have Fuji S9500 camera and i want to open .RAF and convert .RAF to .TIF ? Tell me which software can do that.

Im editing photos in Aperture 1.5.2 and i cant open .RAF files.

See the list of supported cameras...
The S9500 is not on the list so you are out of luck.

Doesn't the camera come with software from Fuji? Your best option is to use that to convert to TIFF and then import the TIFF to Aperture. Would be best if you could use 16-bit TIFF.

Apple seems to only support the professional level camers, most DSLRs and a very few of the point and shoots.


macrumors member
Sep 17, 2003
Wow, that list is short...

I was using the Lightroom beta, and I loved how it seamlessly dealt with the RAW files from my Fuji S5000.

Since the beta expired, I have been debating:

- buy Lightroom?
- buy Aperture?
- use iPhoto with some other tools?
- find a good alternative to iPhoto?

Really, my first choice was Lightroom. But both it and Aperture are expensive. If I spend the money, I was thinking Aperture might be a better choice, with Apple being quite aggressive at updating their pro apps, and offering hooks into the best OS X experience. But now I realize that Aperture won't do RAW from my camera! Not good Apple, you've lost a customer.

For now I'm using Lightbox for RAW conversions and iPhoto for organizing, and Photoshop for editing. Lightbox says there will be a new version soon, so maybe I will be able to use it better.


macrumors 601
Oct 5, 2006
Northern/Central VA
Really, my first choice was Lightroom. But both it and Aperture are expensive. If I spend the money, I was thinking Aperture might be a better choice, with Apple being quite aggressive at updating their pro apps, and offering hooks into the best OS X experience. But now I realize that Aperture won't do RAW from my camera! Not good Apple, you've lost a customer.

Apple was really aiming at professionals when they wrote and marketed Aperture. Personally, I think they really underestimated the folks who'd upgrade from iPhoto. The first cut wouldn't even open .RAF files from the S2Pro, which was a wedding mainstay at the time.
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