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macrumors member
Original poster
May 9, 2009
I'm leaving for vacation Friday morning. It's a 12 hour trip up and a 12 hour trip back. Well I don't have a lot of money so I couldn't get the iLugger, and my parents threw away my Apple box, which really angered me. We are driving in a Suburban (don't know the dealer). It has 3 rows and a big trunk (2 in front, 3 in middle, 3 in back ; the last 2 are like couches). I hog the back, mom hogs the middle, dad and brother in front. Sorry if there's a little tmi. So since there is an extra spot in my seat, that could be extra space for the packaged iMac. I just don't know how I could package it. I can't order anything because it'd ship late. I thank you a lot if your answer works. :). Need an answer by Thursday.
umm... Get a box, foam peanuts and something like newspapers or cloth to help the load. I transferred an old iMac using that method with some towels. I would highly recommend focusing on how the box that the iMac is in gets positioned in the car so that it does not slide around a whole lot.
Thanks for the answer. I saw in another thread that someone put a pillowcase also. I'll try everything you said along with a pillowcase. Nothing slides around. Which way should I place it? iSight camera on top? Left? Right? At the ceiling?
The best idea is to keep the original box and packing material ... plus even if you never need it for moving you can sell it on eBay in 20 years for ridiculous amounts of money. ;)
Wrap it in a few layers of bubblewrap. Putting something heavy in a box of packing peanuts alone won't do the trick. The iMac will shift to one side of the box and be subject to any force that comes to that side of the box. I've had a few monitors shipped to me, and having them wrapped in layers of bubblewrap, then put into a box of tightly packed peanuts seems to protect things quite nicely. Its a PITA to get off later, but its never failed me yet.
Wow, this iMac is really precious to you. I'd wrap it in a blanket and lay it "face down" flat on the seat (or on a puffy pillow if you have that with you). Otherwise you could put it straight up, facing the back. A little experimenting on the seat belt can hold it in place (if you GENTLY put your knee into the iMac you can push it into the seat, having a bit room to jamlock the seatbelt. That way when you release the iMac, the seat will puff back keeping everything tight in place.

Should you desire extra care for the lcd, then try a piece of hardboard or any other type of thin furniture panel or several pieces of box carton. Be careful though to put something soft (fleece blanket?) between the iMac and the panel, otherwise it will leave tiny scratches on the surface.

I'm sure with the above tips you will manage. The iMac is built quite sturdy (like a laptop) - everything inside is packed tightly making it thin as it is. So I wouldn't worry too much.

One final tip: make sure there is NO CD or DVD in it! The vibrations could ruin the disc or the drive...

Have a nice trip!
Anyone packing an G5 or Intel iMac . . . hardware stores sell inexpensive rigid foam sheets that are about an inch thick; cut those like bread slices and make an "iMac sandwich"; secure with packing tape; use the scrap foam to create spacers for whatever box you fabricate or use to package. Not as messy as foam peanuts.
It's a vacation. Chill, you don't need your iMac :)

I actually do. I have an art project where I have an option to do a 50 picture photoshoot and I am going to take pictures of the wildlife in Minnesota. It'd be easier for me to edit the pictures while I'm up there when there is nothing to do. I also need to charge my iPod. Another - there is no cable up there so we can watch DVDs on it. There is a DVD rental place up there. See how important it is? Lol
that is very helpful. I just saw those packing peanuts are far out of what I want to pay.

So I'll do what you said. When we would transport my bass to the orchestra competition we would just put it in it's case and buckle it with a seatbelt. It stays fine although it's huge.
I actually do. I have an art project where I have an option to do a 50 picture photoshoot and I am going to take pictures of the wildlife in Minnesota. It'd be easier for me to edit the pictures while I'm up there when there is nothing to do. I also need to charge my iPod. Another - there is no cable up there so we can watch DVDs on it. There is a DVD rental place up there. See how important it is? Lol

Good points :D
that is very helpful. I just saw those packing peanuts are far out of what I want to pay.

So I'll do what you said. When we would transport my bass to the orchestra competition we would just put it in it's case and buckle it with a seatbelt. It stays fine although it's huge.

Normally you wouldn't put an LCD face down like in his suggestion, but the iMac has a glass cover so that should help reduce the pressure. Have fun on the trip! :D
Never lay glass flat. One big bump and the glass could shatter. It should be at a slight angle to vertical(~75 degrees).
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