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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jan 30, 2010
Hey so I wanted to convert my .avi and some .mkv files as well to iPad resolution... Im concerned that using the standard iPhone converter will ruin the resolution....

Also anyone notice there is no Tab button in Pages? unless I can't find it thats a pretty big oversight

Also I can't seem to download .PDF files!! anyone able to get this?
bump, I dont want to see this get knocked off of the front page too fast!
You on mac or windows?

Handbrake has preset for AppleTV, thats what I am copying to mine as we speak.
Yes handbrake is good and has preset conversion settings for iPhone that I imagine you could use for converting for iPad. You may also check out the Air Video app for iPhone. It lets you stream the videos (whatever the codec may be) from your mac to the iPhone. It does this via "live" conversion on the mac end. Works over wifi or 3G. Developer has stated that an iPad version of the app is due soon after he actually gets his hands on one.
As for PDF, I would go with a dedicated PDF reading app. I've used GoodReader on the iPhone and been very pleased. I've read some early reviews that the iPad version is also very nice.

As for the tab button, I do not have an iPad yet so could not speak to the abilities or configurability of the Pages software keyboard. However, you could always hit space bar 5 times or use the bluetooth keyboard or keyboard dock which have the tab button.
Air video is OK but it requires the battery draining WiFi!!

Right now Im using Good Reader and its a lifesaver.. having problems downloading PDF through anything but iTunes synch..

The other problem is I can't annotate which means I have to open up Notes when my lecture teacher makes a correction or adds some bonus question info

and Pages does have a tab button, u just have to hop into portrait for a variety of things like bold, italic, tab, etc etc
Thought Id bump and say thanks for Handbrake, exactly what I needed!

Im going to make a new thread seeing if I can find a pdf reader that can ANNOTATE, this is the biggest PDF need for me.
IAnnotate if a great PDF reader and annotator

It doesnt say anything about PDFs...

I downloaded PadNotes, which seems to be good enough for what I need, but I can't find a way to import, so I may get a refund. It says it can do this but doesn't say where or show any sign that it can.
Handbrake doesn't have a good iPad preset yet and had trouble with some of my wmv files, so I ended up going with xilisoft iPad converter, which has worked very well.
thx, i am looking at the freeware side of things

iAnnotate PDF is working perfectly, and I am ISO a refund for buying PadNotes which is currently broken and has ZERO support.
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