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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 26, 2008
How can I receive a text to both Ipad and Android phone from someone with Apple iphone, Ipad, Macbook?

I don not have an Iphone.

I currently have just an Android phone. People can of course text me from an Iphone or any other phone.

I am getting an IPAD soon:

My family members want to text me from THEIR ipad or Macbook.

I have set up an AppleID for the future when I get an Ipad.

However when they text me from THEIR Ipad or MacBook I want to receive it BOTH on MY iPad and Android phone.

Is this possible OR when they send text will it will look up my Apple ID and only send it to one device using the email address since the iPad (I am getting) will not have a phone number?

I could set up a Google voice number so it goes to Google voice and have that app on my Android and my upcoming Ipad but not sure that when they send text it will use the number instead of email?

I realize iPad will have I messages app.

Thanks for any advice, third party paid software, etc...

Again I do not have an Iphone so cannot set up continuity amongst devices.

Thank you so very much

Stay healthy



rui no onna

Oct 25, 2013
There is no native way (that I know of) to make this happen. My first thought, like yours, was to use Google Voice for this.
Yep. They have to remember to text the Google Voice number instead of the normal cellphone number.

Probably best way to go about it is to use Google Voice for everything (I believe it can be setup to forward calls to your normal cell number) and tell friends and family that your number has changed.


Nov 28, 2018
How can I receive a text to both Ipad and Android phone from someone with Apple iphone, Ipad, Macbook?

I don not have an Iphone.

I currently have just an Android phone. People can of course text me from an Iphone or any other phone.

I am getting an IPAD soon:

My family members want to text me from THEIR ipad or Macbook.

I have set up an AppleID for the future when I get an Ipad.

However when they text me from THEIR Ipad or MacBook I want to receive it BOTH on MY iPad and Android phone.

Is this possible OR when they send text will it will look up my Apple ID and only send it to one device using the email address since the iPad (I am getting) will not have a phone number?

I could set up a Google voice number so it goes to Google voice and have that app on my Android and my upcoming Ipad but not sure that when they send text it will use the number instead of email?

I realize iPad will have I messages app.

Thanks for any advice, third party paid software, etc...

Again I do not have an Iphone so cannot set up continuity amongst devices.

Thank you so very much

Stay healthy


Unfortunately, Google Voice would be your only option. There is no native implementation at the moment, so I hope Apple gets on top of that in the near future.
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