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macrumors 68030
Original poster
Jun 27, 2009
anyone in Miami, FL who would let me borrow their 3G ipad to activate my sim card?

Original post:

My 3G will be in hand mid June.

Agreed. You can only do it through iPad. Unfortunately, it sounds like you'll be out of like by the time your iPad arrives.
If you can get hold of a microsim and have someone with an ipad to hand it can be done.
You could ask someone with an ipad to purchage a sim card, and activate the plan you want with the info you give them... (name, email, address, prepaid visa card (as example) )... If I had a friend who needed the plan, I'd "charge" him 20$ to do it and hand hime the sim card afterwards....

Im in canada and thinking of driving down to the nearest AT&T store, buy a sim card and activate the plan before the 7th of june to have local data availability instead of paying horrible international rates with rogers :)
My 3G will be in hand mid June.


Step 1: Go to an AT&T store and tell them you need to purchase a microsim for your ipad, because it was missing

Step 2: Carry a paperclip

Step 3: Go to an Apple store or a Best Buy where they have demos of the ipad on display

Step 4: Furtively insert paperclip into the sim tray release and insert the microsim that you got from AT&T, activate the sim on the ipad with your credit card info,

Step 5: Remove the microsim and go home and wait.

Step 6: Install microsim in your ipad when it arrives

Step 7: Be pissed at AT&T for making you go through this as well as making you be locked into a contract in order to maintain your unlimited 3G

I read this on another post. It may not work if somehow the ipad s/n is somehow encoded on the sim and can not be interchanged.

Good luck

What are the 3G data plan options from AT&T?
There are two monthly data plans: 250MB or 2GB. Customers who order iPad from the Apple Online Store by June 6th will also qualify to purchase an unlimited monthly plan. There’s no contract, and you can sign up and change your service right on your iPad. In addition, AT&T data plans include unlimited access to over 20,000 Wi-Fi hotspots at locations including Starbucks, Barnes & Noble, and more.

Should be hearing something from apple on this i think "soon".
Consultant said:
You can buy a Microsim card for $15 from AT&T.

Activating it is easy.
Oh? Do tell.

AT&T store sells them but don't activate.

Apple store has 3G demo models which are locked out except for the SIM they were activated with (specific software they said)
Did you order your 3G from Apple?

If so you are probably ok. Orders placed by 6/6 are eligible to get the unlimited plan based on the Apple web site information.
I have yet to read anything definitive from Apple or AT&T that states that iPad users who sign up for unlimited 3G must maintain CONTINUOUS service. Does anyone have any confirmation of this? I hope not.
definitely true, if you let it lapse, you lose it. that's why people are mad, the original selling point was stop and go at any month, drop it for a while, and reactivate a month later.

this is gone on June 7. this is what all the fuss is about. you stop activating it and it;s gone forever.
definitely true, if you let it lapse, you lose it. that's why people are mad, the original selling point was stop and go at any month, drop it for a while, and reactivate a month later.

this is gone on June 7. this is what all the fuss is about. you stop activating it and it;s gone forever.

How are you so sure this is the case? Where, on an official website is this stated? Don't tell me "I just got off the phone with Apple, or I spoke to a rep from AT&T", I want concrete proof, not hearsay. If you can let it lapse and then still be able to reactivate it, it would be good to know so I can activate it before 6/7. If the lapse situation is true, then I'm damned if I want to give AT&T my $30 that I wasn't planning on.
How are you so sure this is the case? Where, on an official website is this stated? Don't tell me "I just got off the phone with Apple, or I spoke to a rep from AT&T", I want concrete proof, not hearsay. If you can let it lapse and then still be able to reactivate it, it would be good to know so I can activate it before 6/7. If the lapse situation is true, then I'm damned if I want to give AT&T my $30 that I wasn't planning on.

I don't think anyone knows the answer for certain. Based on common sense however, the plans are prepaid thus no contract is involved stating you must keep the plan, meaning once you cancel your current umlimited plan (can't let it lapse since its automatic recurring) everything starts over again (remember, no contract) and the option for purchasing another unlimited plan would no longer be available to you... only their new option of the 2GB limit.
that's what I have been reading, and since there is no 'contract' if you lapse and want to re-up service, there are now only the 2 new plan choices, 250mb and 2gb. Could be wrong, but strongly doubt it.

you can hold out hope for stop and go unlimited, but even the offering of any unlimited plan is probably short term. imho.

and you can't believe what ATT says either. so it's a wait and see. personally I would not let it lapse until the true stories come out.
So, we're assuming that the unlimited option will only be available once, and that after you cancel it, you can only choose from the other two? I am still holding out hope (foolishly) that the information on the Apple site (that was just added yesterday) can be interpreted to mean that if you buy a 3G ipad before 6/6, you will 1) have access to the unlimited plan and 2) be able to start, stop and restart the unlimited plan. Why wouldn't Apple specifically say that the unlimited plan would be unavailable to everyone once they cancel it. The information was just added yesterday. Unless Apple can't get a straight answer from AT&T. They seem to be adding insult to injury by not specifically stating the cancel/unavailable situation.
maybe apple didn't say because they ain't makin the rules, their kinda ATT's biatch, it seems. I thought Stevie had more power than that.

I do wonder if he really cares about the customers and his promises or just the bottom dollar. I 'm hopin that he's pissed and will do something to placate customers that he kinda swindled with promises that ATT took away.
I'd love to see him get back at ATT but it's obvious the cell buisness is under a transformation to deal with big mobile data demands, but it makes Steve look weak.
Just like AT&T wants an extended iphone exclusivity contract with Apple, I think Apple should've come up with some kind of contract with AT&T requiring them to offer the ipad unlimited data plan for at least 12 months minimum. Now as result of AT&T's decision, Apple is going to have a tougher time selling ppl on the ipad 3G. Poor negotiating on Apple's part. I guess this is the price they pay for essentially making it unlocked like it really should be.
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