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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 21, 2016
Amsterdam, the Netherlands
In older versions of MacOS it was possible to enter a scheme for switching the Mac on and off. This option was a setting in the "Energy"-section. It disappeared.:(.
Perhaps it is possible to do this using the terminal, but I can't find the right commands.
Can anybody help?
Thanks in advance.
The only caveat is that the turn off and turn on commands need to be in the same command in Terminal. So on one of my Mac minis that I have set to restart on Sunday mornings at 3:01, and which I want to turn on if the power goes out (it's attached to a UPS so the setting to start when power restores doesn't work 🙄) is:

sudo pmset repeat wakepoweron MTWRFSU 03:10:00 restart U 03:01:00

And on my other Mac mini which I have power off at 1 am and power back on every day at 5 am:

sudo pmset repeat shutdown MTWRFSU 01:00:00 wakeorpoweron MTWRFSU 05:00:00

If I tried this as two commands:

sudo pmset repeat shutdown MTWRFSU 01:00:00
sudo pmset repeat wakeorpoweron MTWRFSU 05:00:00

Only the second command would be recognized - it would supersede the previous command, and the Mac would not turn off at 1 am.
I have still one problem. The Mac mini is used to run Jriver Media Center. The shutdown is "blocked" by this program.But I don't see how to stop Media Center (if it must be by a force quit) other than manually.
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