alexf said:
I am sure this has been asked before, but I just need a simple way to look "behind the scenes" and see if someone has infiltrated my computer.
Too bad there's no such thing. The only "simple" way to see if someone has inflitrated you is to use something like TripWire to protect yourself. And TripWire is FAR from "simple".
alexf said:
When I look at the Activity Monitor, there is a lot of activity going on from users "nobody" and "windowserve." What does this mean? Am I just being paranoid? (likely the case...)
"nobody" is a real "user" on your box. It's an owner UID (unique id) assigned to certain binaries to help ensure that they don't get "out of hand" (that's a vast oversimplification, but it's a security thing). Examples are "mdimport", which is Spotlight. "windowserver" is also a real "user", and basically is the same thing as "nobody". The "WindowServer" process is owned by the "windowservr" UID. But there shouldn't be "a lot", AFAIK. Just 1 or 2 for each.
So.. it's likely that you're being paranoid.
Are you in a situation that would likely put your computer at risk? Not using a firewall? Not behind a router? Root enabled with a weak password? Weak passwords on admin accounts? Downloaded tons of unknown softwares from unknown sources? Posted your usernames and passwords on public sites? Etc, etc.
If not.. then I wouldn't worry.
However, the ONLY real way to make sure that you've not been hacked/cracked is to ERASE the drive and reinstall everything from a known, clean, safe install. That means, not restoring from a back up unless you know it's clean/safe. It means starting over from scratch. That's the ONLY way to be 100% safe.
For an idea of other "users" (UIDs with names) on your box, try opening NetInfo Manager and looking under "users".