Is if possible even?
I am logged into my bank account with Chase and Im trying to look at my statement. On the desktop, when I click on it, it downloads a PDF file. On the iPad, it pulls up the first page (well, part of the first page) but I cand do anything else from there.
The link it's trying to connect to is this: JavaScript:bolPopupURLClose('StmtContainer.aspx?DocIndex=2149223180&AI=214922318&Type=49&Code=J//86RC9nLVzQMij0Qy2gFeyPuc=&PageIndex=2010&totalPage=6&UserOptedForPaperLess=True')
I tried to use Goodreader but it doesn't recognize the file type to download it since it doesn't seem to be a .PDF extension.
I am logged into my bank account with Chase and Im trying to look at my statement. On the desktop, when I click on it, it downloads a PDF file. On the iPad, it pulls up the first page (well, part of the first page) but I cand do anything else from there.
The link it's trying to connect to is this: JavaScript:bolPopupURLClose('StmtContainer.aspx?DocIndex=2149223180&AI=214922318&Type=49&Code=J//86RC9nLVzQMij0Qy2gFeyPuc=&PageIndex=2010&totalPage=6&UserOptedForPaperLess=True')
I tried to use Goodreader but it doesn't recognize the file type to download it since it doesn't seem to be a .PDF extension.