Do you think work on Pages/Numbers will continue and hopefully have compatibility improve or do you think Apple may at some point just say abandon most of this suite?
I highly doubt that Apple will abandon the iWork suite. It is a integral part of their cross-platform strategy. iWork doesn't have to compete feature-for-feature with MS Office, but simply be seamlessly available across the Apple product line.
Apple essentially rewrote the iWork suite in 2012 to include iCloud versions. And although they have been slowly reintroducing features that were removed in that release (relative to what was available in iWork '09) over the years, they still have not restored all of the functionality.
iWork's support for MS Office file formats has improved slightly, but really only reliable for the most basic of files. It's passable for getting content across, but in terms of retaining fit, finish, and formatting, not so good.
Where iWork still shines, IMO, is in the consistency between iPad OS, iOS, Mac OS, and web versions. I can work on Pages or Keynote documents on my Mac Mini and iPad, and continue to work on them on my chromebook. That's been very helpful. I have many documents with advanced formatting and they're preserved regardless of where I'm modifying them.
I wish the iWorks suite had an Access-equivalent database tool like MS365 includes. Now there is a version of ninox and it works quite well, but I’d still like to see something in the Apple portfolio with interoperability with the Pages, Numbers, even Keynote.
Relational databases are a bit overkill for the target audience of the iWork suite, and flat-file databases fell out of favor over 10 years ago. Bento was a terrific database solution that fit well with iWork, but because it was a flat-file database, it needed to die (according to those who were in the position to extend it or kill it).
But then again, I'm just an old caveman who really appreciated ClarisWorks/AppleWorks. It was my experience with ClarisWorks for Windows that caused me to get into the Apple universe in the first place.