I was stupidly using my iPad while dozing into a needed sleep, only to begin to fall asleep, let go, and have the iPad bring back my focus with a thud to the wood floor. It was only a one or two foot drop, and thankfully, the center of the screen landed on my MagSafe power adapter. I don't see any marks on my screen at all (iPhone 4 couldn't withstand that so well), but my home button got a few annoying marks. I saw iPad home buttons for around $5 on eBay, and I'd be fine with paying a little to get a new home button if anything just because it's cheap to fix and I'm annoyed that this happened.
Would I need to take my entire iPad apart? Which sellers are known to have OEM parts? Thanks.
Would I need to take my entire iPad apart? Which sellers are known to have OEM parts? Thanks.