I just jailbroke my iPhone for the first time using QuickPwn to get jailbreak 2.1. Everything worked great, I was grabbing some stuff off of Cydia, all was well and I loved it. Then I restarted my iPhone after installing a bunch of apps, and I got stuck on the never-ending apple logo. After I tried restoring a backup I made with iTunes off my jailbroken iPhone, I would never be able to start the iPhone up again. For whatever reason, data could be copied to the iPhone while still on the never-ending apple loading screen, but I would never go back to the home screen. After two more attempted restores of the backup of the jailbroken iPhone, I gave up and went back to the official 2.1 firmware.
Now I am about to jailbreak again, but how do I make a backup of my jailbroken iPhone that I can actually restore from successfully? Is there any way to?
Now I am about to jailbreak again, but how do I make a backup of my jailbroken iPhone that I can actually restore from successfully? Is there any way to?