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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Feb 18, 2002
i'm completely lost, but i'm trying to research this...

i have an mpg that about 300 mgs and i want to be able to put it on a cdr (i don't have a dvd burner) so that i can sent it to others...

do i have to burn it as a vcd? what's good to use and how?

can i just burn it on a cdr and have it work on others dvd players (not computer)?

any help would be much appreciated...v

ps: if it matters, i'm running osx panther...
Re: how do i burn an mpg to a vcd to be played on a dvd player?

Originally posted by jvaska
i'm completely lost, but i'm trying to research this...

i have an mpg that about 300 mgs and i want to be able to put it on a cdr (i don't have a dvd burner) so that i can sent it to others...

do i have to burn it as a vcd? what's good to use and how?

can i just burn it on a cdr and have it work on others dvd players (not computer)?

any help would be much appreciated...v

ps: if it matters, i'm running osx panther...
OK, what you'll need is Toast Titanium 5 or 6. Both will work.

From within Toast, go to the "Other" tab and choose VCD. Drag the mpg file into the window. Click "burn" and that's it. Toast will convert the mpg file into mpg1 and everything will be fine.

Just a quick note. Certain mpg files may not work correctly unless you de-mux them first.
Re: Re: how do i burn an mpg to a vcd to be played on a dvd player?

Originally posted by ftaok
OK, what you'll need is Toast Titanium 5 or 6. Both will work.

From within Toast, go to the "Other" tab and choose VCD. Drag the mpg file into the window. Click "burn" and that's it. Toast will convert the mpg file into mpg1 and everything will be fine.

Just a quick note. Certain mpg files may not work correctly unless you de-mux them first.
I got that demux-problem. I f I just chose the .mpg, Toast will burn the VCD but there will be no sound. So waht exactly do I need to do once I demuxed this MPG? Which program is the best?
what do i use to demux things?

thanks for the quick response...

i love macrumors...v
Re: Re: Re: how do i burn an mpg to a vcd to be played on a dvd player?

Originally posted by TheT
I got that demux-problem. I f I just chose the .mpg, Toast will burn the VCD but there will be no sound. So waht exactly do I need to do once I demuxed this MPG? Which program is the best?
I don't know the best way (or cheapest), but this is how I do it.

I use:

1. Quicktime Pro $30
2. More Missing Tools - freeware
2a. bbDemux - others use this, I haven't had as much luck
3. iTunes - freeware

I use MMT to demux the mpg file. This results is two files named chunk.m1v and chuck.m1a or something like that. One's a video file and one's a audio file.

Then I use iTunes to convert the m1a file to aiff.

I open Quicktime Pro and open the video file. I then open the aiff file and select all, then copy. I go back to the video file and choose "Add Scaled". Then a quick "Save as..." and I'm done. Note, the resultant mov file is just a "container" that refers to the chunk video file and the aiff file.

That's it.

For more detailed instructions, refer to this POST .
and then you burn all of those files to the cdr?

the container file and the contents stuff?


Originally posted by jvaska
and then you burn all of those files to the cdr?

the container file and the contents stuff?


That part, I'm not sure of. What I normall do is export the new file into DV so that I can play around with iMovie. From iMovie, I can export the DV stream to Quicktime/Toast VCD.

For you, maybe you could just take the combined file and drag it into Toast and see if it does the conversion. Toast will create everything it needs to in order for the VCD to be playable on a DVD player.
I use a program called iVCD by Mireth -- I've had good results. It's $30.

The VCD's are compatible with (I understand) lots of DVD players. It also gives the option to burn an SVCD, which uses mpeg-2. The results are much better, but fewer DVD players in the US can use them. If your recipients can't use their DVD players, but are willing to use their computers to view the SVCD, they work perfectly with VLC Media Player from VideoLAN which is free and available for all platforms. I view my SVCDs by connecting my TiBook to my TV with the S-Video out and using the VLC Player -- works great.

Generally, a VCD has the same resolution as a VHS tape and an SVCD is much better. SVCD isn't exactly on par with a DVD, but is far better than a VCD. Run times for a VCD are about an hour and for an SVCD, about 35-45 minutes. The iVCD program has a nifty interface that shows you how "full" your expected disk image is.

As with all video encoding, it takes time -- the faster your processor, the better.

If your video is already in mpeg-2 or avi format, you'll need the Quicktime MPEG Decoder from Apple. That's $20. (Note: you won't need this if your video is in mpeg-1 or dv format.)

Best of luck!
ivcd is SO slow...

if i can create all the files myself...and figure out how to write the instructions for the player itself (working on this part now) why would i want ivcd? i guess i could grab their instruction sets and just use those...oh yeah...

also, ivcd has issues with audio that it cannot solve...they refer back to apple...another knock against them because one can just convert the audio on their own...

it's a promising tool however...

thanks for the help!
I suspect that we're wroking on two very different levels, jvaska. You noted "if" you can create the files and figure out the instructions -- for me that "if" is short for "insurmountable, forget it". So, I guess that I sacrifice speed (and $30) for avoiding that altogether.

Also, I haven't had any audio problems -- maybe because all my source is in dv? Is there something that, in your experience, I should watch out for?
I'm certain that your plan works, but I must admit that when I saw what the fink download page described as a "quick start" (terminal, launching some "pathsetup.command" file, a section on "if something goes wrong" that involves more command line), well, my eyes glazed over like a witch's cataracts.

Great for some, not for me. Ciao fer now!
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