I have had my MBP for aobut a month now( it may be to late, you tell me), and I remember people saying you should calibrate your battery when u get your mbp. How and should I do this?
I don't have a MBP, but I have a PB and did calibrate the battery. Not sure how much of a difference it will make in the long run, but what's the worst thing that could happen? You add 1 cycle onto your battery? Big whoop. I say calibrate it.
It is reccomended that once a month you drain the battery to the point at which it puts itself to sleep. Then hook it up the AC Adapter and charge it to full. That is calibrating. I say it's worth it because it keeps your battery holding a full charge and keeps the battery ions alive longer. This can go for iPods as well.
Calibrating managed to get 15% of my iBook's battery capacity back over a few sessions. I had really destroyed the battery and it was at about 30% max. capacity, and I managed to get it up to 50%.