munckee said:
How do I change the regular user name (not the short name)?
I'm getting a G3 ready to sell. I did a clean install, but for some stupid reason, I used my name for the user name and I'd like to change that before I sell it.
Whenever I rebuild a machine, I always create a user (usually named setup), and do all my installs/updates and then reseal the OS. This not only gets the setup user off but it lets the new owner have that "first time run" experience with OS X.
To do so... after you've done everything, shut down the Mac.
Turn it back on and hold the CMD(Apple) Key and the S key, this puts you into Single user mode (UNIX).
Once the machine has booted to a Unix prompt type:
mount -uw /
rm -Rf /Users/username
rm /var/db/.applesetupdone
shutdown -h now
Make sure you subsitute USERNAME for the name of the user you created. Now in 10.2 and 10.3 this works perfect in 10.4, the user's files are gone but sometimes... the user is still listed in the Accounts Pref Pane.
The First line mounts the hard drive.
The Second line deletes the user files
The Third line removes the file that signals to OS X that the setup has been run.
The Last line unmounts the hd and shuts down the Mac.
If you turn the Mac back on and are stuck in the setup, just press CMD(Apple) Key and the Q key to quit. OS X will give you the option to Shut Down.
Hope that helps!