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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Aug 17, 2003
Boston, MA
I make rap beats on my MPC1000 sampler/sequencer. I then want to record them to my Powerbook in the simplest/cheapest manner possible that maintains the arrangement in time. I don't mind sending them over one track at a time. Can I just get a midi to firewire or midi to usb cable? Is there such a thing? Or do I have to buy some kind of hub. I just want to be able to add vocals and do my final mix in GarageBand. If I could control the GarageBand instruments with my MPC pads, that would be a bonus but is not necessary.

Also, what's the best way for me to record vocal tracks. I have a decent mic with a 1/4" plug - should I just get a 1/4" to 1/8" adapter and plug right in, or do I need some kind of hub for that too?

Thanks for taking the time to answer my newbie questions. I feel like they're too simple to post on, and I have no experience in making music on a desktop computer. I usually just bring my MPC to the studio where someone else dumps my beats to Digital Performer. It would be nice for me to be able to do the same for "dry runs" using GarageBand!
To get the beats into Garageband you will have to record them in as Live audio using a line input. You will not be able to sync the timing of the beats because garageband doesn't support output of midi signals. You will have to manually start eh mpc1000 at the right time and hope that it is in time with garageband, However if the mpc1000 and vocals is all you are having then it won't matter if its in time with garageband as long as your vocals are in time. The best thing to do however is to eventually get osme more advanced sequencing software like logic that supports all the external devices.

AS for the mic, i'm not sure what kind of input your powerbook has so you may need some kind of pre-amp, if oyu do it may be worth getiing a usb audio interface like the griffin iMic or a cheap M-Audio thingy.
Thanks for the info. Is there any way for me to control the GB instruments using my MPC keys? Would it be cheaper for me to pick up a cheap USB keyboard? Thanks again.
hmm, i'm not sure what the mpc1000 has in the way of outputs. If it has a midi out port then it might work, but you are going to have to get midi-usb adapter to try it.

A quick check it does have midi output so It's worht a try but I'm not entirely sure about whether the keys actually output anything as I've never done it.

One thing you may be able to do is output timing from the mpc1000 so that garageband starts in sync and with the right tempo, but again I'm not entirely sure if Garageband does this. You have an mpc1000 so you must be quite good at this stuff, I recommend playing with garageband and in a few months get logic express an reason 2.5.
Thanks for all your help. I'll definitely keep playing with GarageBand and see what I can come up with.
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