Hi I am trying to load the BBC iplayer plug-in for XBMCC from my Mac onto my apple TV, can anyone tell me how to copy the file between the two systems. Once loaded the XBMC can pick up the zip file so I should be done?? THanx
Another way is to add a shared folder on your PC/Mac to Sources in XBMC. Go to Settings > File Manager > Add Source > Browse > Add Network Location then fill in the appropriate fields including user/pass. Make sure that the userid you are using has rights (do this on the mac or PC) to the shared folder. I created a user account on my Mac named "XBMC" for this purpose then gave that account read/right access to my Downloads folder.
The advantage to this method that once you have successfully added your shared folder on your Mac or PC, can access it directly from within XBMC (i.e. - from Addons, "install from zip", etc.). Some people have problems getting the permissions right so if you go this DOUBLECHECK that the account you use has the right permissions to the folder you want XBMC to have access to.