I have an old AppleID that I didn't buy much on, and now want to get rid of, as it pops up asking for password, tried to download on my iPhone etc.
I don't use the AppleID for iTunes purchases anymore or anything, and just want rid.
for example, on my iPhone 5s, if I goto iTunes store, in the "more" tab > downloads, there is a video there, that is "preparing for download" all the time, its one of the old AppleID ones.
I don't want it, and want it to stop bugging me! every now and then, a pop up comes asking for password with the old email I used (don't think can access this email as the service closed also)
So how can I stop all this please? I have an iMac, with my iTunes library on, and iPhones and iPads in the house
I don't use the AppleID for iTunes purchases anymore or anything, and just want rid.
for example, on my iPhone 5s, if I goto iTunes store, in the "more" tab > downloads, there is a video there, that is "preparing for download" all the time, its one of the old AppleID ones.
I don't want it, and want it to stop bugging me! every now and then, a pop up comes asking for password with the old email I used (don't think can access this email as the service closed also)
So how can I stop all this please? I have an iMac, with my iTunes library on, and iPhones and iPads in the house