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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 29, 2008
Hello. i just bought the iphone today off of someone. here is the info:
version:2.2 (5G77)
modem firmware: 2.30.03

i knwo u can unlock the new iphones...but...i heard that if the version is 2.2.1 you can't... since i dont have 2.2....which programs do i use to unlock it and jailbreak it?

also...someone told me that if you do not unlock the iphone even if you already have at&T, you have to pay the ridiculous data plan price. BUT, if you DO unlock it, then they wont know....i thought unlocking it meant like if i had tmobile and wanted to use the iphone...i would be able to.

please help.
Have you tried doing any research on it? It doesn't sound like it. You can unlock your phone if you are on 2.2.1, but the baseband needs to be downgraded. You can find more info on jailbreaking from here. Unlocking the phone lets you use it with whatever GSM carrier that you want (including T-Mobile).
oh sorry. i forgot to mention i jailbroke it. question...if i unlock my phone (which i dont need since i already have at&t)...does that mean i wont have to pay for data plan....i know ppl in the past would unlock it and then get the lowest data plan available...($3) but their provider won't know that they have the iphone or a regular phone that in internet capable.
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Ok. From the end: jailbreaking will allow you to run 3rd party software not distribute through the app store. Unlocking will allow you to use the phone on another carrier (ie on the US, tmobile instead of AT&T).

Is this an iPhone or an iPhone 3G? 3G, afaik, can be downgraded but the baseband update will remain, making it currently unlockable. If it is the original, 2.2.1 is unlockable without downgrading.
okay. so since i already have at&t...i dont need to unlock it.

and yes...jailbreaking will allow me to add stuff that i download onto the iphone without basically paying for it. that i know.

jmann: i know many people who have iphones and just have the regular data plan (not the exclusive one to the iphone which is waaaay more expesnive)
Since you don't need to unlock, you can just download and run quickpwn to jailbreak the phone.

ok i did that. however...i have two questions:
1. i downloaded a few apps off a torrent site, but when i try and install it, it says "The application '*appName' was not installed on the iPhone '*iPhoneName' because it could not be verified."

2. my brother said...that i can't use my iphone because as soon as iput in my simcard from my other phone (sony w580i), At&T will recognize it is an iphone and start charging me for the iphone plan....true?
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