Is it straight forward as asking for a education discount? Or do I have provide some IDs? Do I have to sign up somewhere?
Also, I'm talking about Physical Apple stores not online stores.
Hi Bestbuy I having an sale I missed out since I am leaving country next end week. Since I used some reward certificate they can return and I have rebuy it using they since it's 115 in it. But I can't wait 4-6 business days to revert back.
But here is the deal
If you have college edu @ Bestbuy they are having an deal where you buy any new iPad MacBook and iMac and stuff And also an AppleCare you get 100 dollars off
So basically:
329.99 ipad
99.99 AppleCare
-100.00 coupon
329.00 ish idk ipad with free AppleCare
Or you could do what I was thinking to do
299.99 ipad ( price match it with staples )
99.99 AppleCare
-100.00 coupon
299.99 ipad with free AppleCare .
Man I really wish I should seen my email before since
My total is only 75 dollars right now( after all cashback redeems and Bestbuy points)
299.99 ipad
-115.00 Bestbuy rewards
-60.00 cash back redeem from different credit cards going back in bank
-50.00 new credit card statement credit.
So my math is 75 dollars after all dust is settle plus tax.
I wish I could snag that free apple care that would be nice. They say they can give me but I have to return it and rebuy it but I can't use 115 rewards till they can go back on my beatbuy account.
But good luck in buying.
I bought 32gb ipad gold and return it onces because of an issue.
But my second iPad is perfect