jeeze. It asked me to take photos of my proof of purchases and upload them to confirm. Why is this so difficult? Shouldn't apple have this on record already? It seems like I am going to be waiting a while.
Thanks for the help guys.
It didnt ask me for receipt or anything! Just my name address and serial number!
... and then get in the waiting queue. Some users are reporting codes that don't work; and Apple have an ETA of 48 hours to send you a code to redeem.
Wow. What the hell. I put that in addition to uploading photos of my receipt and the serial number on my box and UPC.
Did you buy your macbook in store or online?
Online. But i dont think it matters! First thing I had to do was Choose purchase date>name address>serial number>done got my code number. Im still waiting on the email with the redeem code tho.
... and then get in the waiting queue. Some users are reporting codes that don't work; and Apple have an ETA of 48 hours to send you a code to redeem.
Funny how something that should be automated and instant takes up to 48 hours in Apple-land.
jeeze. It asked me to take photos of my proof of purchases and upload them to confirm. Why is this so difficult? Shouldn't apple have this on record already? It seems like I am going to be waiting a while.
Thanks for the help guys.
Same thing happened to me. I was not typing serial number in right. I did a copy and paste from about this mac and then more info. Copy and paste worked. No more photos to take.
I copied and pasted as well.![]()